News about Tarfaya Onshore
24th of December 2008, the oil reconnaissance contract held by the Irish oil company Island Oil & Gas for oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara expired. Today WSRW sent the company a letter demanding them to not renew their engagement.
Published 24 December 2008
Sent 13 December 2006, the day after Island Oil & Gas announced its contract with Moroccan authorities on occupied land in Western Sahara.
Published 23 December 2008
Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Micheál Martin TD, hopes the Irish oil company Island Oil and Gas would respect international law. Island operates in Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco.
Published 10 July 2008
The South African bank RMB has written to WSRW that they do no longer finance the operations of Island Oil and Gas. The Irish oil company Island has an agreement for oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara in violation of international law.
Published 09 July 2008

Irish MEP, Kathy Sinnott, demands that Island Oil and Gas immediately stops their activities in occupied Western Sahara. "The presence of your company undermines the illegitimacy of the Moroccan occupation", she writes in a letter to the company\'s CEO, Paul Griffiths.

Published 18 May 2008

A company document from 2007 reveals several of the oil firm\'s plans in the occupied territory.

Published 28 December 2007