News about PGNiG

All workers of a Polish state owned company in occupied Western Sahara have just been pulled out from the territory 'because of political reasons'.

Published 25 August 2016

Kosmos and Cairn have renewed their licence - but did San Leon Energy abandon one of its licences? A new map from ONHYM suggests changes to the highly controversial oil exploration in the occupied territory.

Published 31 July 2016

WSRW lauches today a report on the Polish oil company PGNiG, and demands it to abandon its project. WSRW asks its owners to intervene.

Published 28 June 2016
When over 100 of the locally recruited staff stopped working, the Polish oil hunt in occupied Western Sahara had to temporarily close.
Published 22 June 2016

The Polish seismic services company Geofizyka Kraków ignored warnings and started seismic studies for oil exploration in occupied territory. 

Published 09 June 2016