Got more time? Take it to the street ... and to the owners.
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Naming and shaming the involved companies is completely justified - whether it is out on the street, or in the offices of their shareholders.
Published 06 November 2015


A good old demonstration can do wonders for your morale and the company’s way-too-polished profile. Here are a few pointers;
• Ensure the companies are mentioned by name in banners and placards.
• Tag your photos with “Kosmos Energy”, “Cairn Energy”, “Glencore”, “Total” and “San Leon” on Instagram and Facebook.
• Email photos and information about the protest to Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) so that we can help you to publicize it.
• Try to get local media interested in your protest.
• Link your protests to the latest available news on the companies’ involvement. Check WSRW’s website for recent updates.
• Where to protest?
o In front of the companies’ headquarters and offices worldwide. A list is included in the annex.
o At the Annual General Meetings of the companies


Find out if your bank or pension fund is a shareholder of one or more of the companies involved in the oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara. Book a meeting with them to explain why you, their client, find that inacceptable. Ask your bank or pension fund to raise the matter with the companies, and ask them to divest.

Alternatively, if you are able to buy a share in any of the involved companies, you could get in touch with the companies yourself, or attend their Annual General Meetings, in the capacity of a shareholder. They might be more responsive that way.

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