EU plans to pay Morocco to fish offshore occupied Western Sahara. Saharawis are mobilising everywhere to prevent the scandal: in the refugee camps, in occupied territories and on social media.
Social media is currently boiling of frustration: Saharawis do not want to see the EU cooperate with Morocco in exploiting their fish. Statements by some European Parliamentarians that the Saharawis are going to benefit have been perceived provocative. First, Saharawis have never benefited from such deals in the past. Second, they have not asked if they want the deal to take place - which is a prerequisite for its legality.
The frustration of EU's plans has led to large mobilisation among the Saharawis:
The former Legal Counsel to the UN Security Counsel, Mr. Hans Corell, comments on the EU's fisheries activities in Western Sahara.
Are you casting your vote for the EU elections? Find here a complete overview of MEP candidates who have supported the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara in previous controversial votes. Choose wisely.
The UK Court has concluded that the UK government has acted unlawfully in granting preferential tariff treatment to products from Western Sahara through a deal with Morocco, and in granting fisheries quota's for fishing in Western Sahara under a fish deal with Morocco.