Documents from the Pan-African Parliament
Two documents of the Pan-African Parliament, advisory organ of the African Union.
Published 14 December 2008

"A briefing note for the Pan-African Parliament Committee on International Relations, Cooperation and Conflict Resolution" by Timothy Othieno (Senior researcher of Institute for Global Dialogue), August 2006. Resources_ DisplayDocument.aspx?Type=Docs&ID=173
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Please see "Recommendations" , especially paragraph e.(p.7):
"The PAP should call upon foreign enterprises operating on the basis of agreements signed with the Government of Morocco to withdraw from Western Sahara’s territory and not to do anything that would compromise the peace process."

Report of the Pan-African Parliament Permanent Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and Conflict Resolution on Peace and Security Situation in Africa, presented to the 7th Ordinary Session of the PAP in May 2007, Midrand, Republic of South Africa Resources_ DisplayDocument. aspx?Type= Docs&ID=519
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Please see the part on Western Sahara, PP.23-26.

African Development Bank clarified role

The African Development Bank has not funded the construction of a controversial Moroccan energy cable in Western Sahara, even though public tender documents suggested that it would.

09 February 2023

African Court rules for Saharawis

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights concludes Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara to be a serious violation of the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination and independence.

25 September 2022

African Union asks Morocco not to sign Western Sahara deals

The Peace and Security Council of the African Union this week asked its new member, Morocco, to not carry out further exploration and exploitation of the natural resources in Western Sahara.

23 March 2017

BKM spokesperson: expelled African Parliament VP was COP22 accredited

See the accreditation document of the Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament here.

10 November 2016