
The WSRW report on EU-Morocco relations was largely discussed in the large political event of Almedalen, Sweden.

Published 08 July 2012
The governments of Morocco and Germany signed on 3 July 2012 a declaration of intent aspiring to unite Morocco’s solar and wind potential and Germany’s industrial experience in that field. The German government risks backing projects in occupied Western Sahara, warns WSRW.
Published 04 July 2012
On 20 June, three officially registered Saharawi fishermen organisations gathered in front of the Delegation of Maritime Fisheries in El Aaiun, to denounce the exclusion and marginalisation they face in the job market.
Published 29 June 2012

“We hope to see more investors join us in urging companies linked to the territory to act responsibly and helping Western Sahara get the attention it needs”, said Finish investor Ilmarinen.

Published 29 June 2012

Due to Morocco’s tardiness in ratifying the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement, the accord is now expected to enter into force early October. Not coincidentally coinciding with the start of Morocco’s export-season to the EU.

Published 27 June 2012

While the EU is in the process of negotiating a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with Morocco, 31 Saharawi NGOs recommend the EU to respect international law by excluding their occupied homeland. The organisations represent the vast majority of Saharawi civil society groups in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and in the refugee camps in south-west Algeria.

Published 26 June 2012

The UN’s Clean Development Mechanism has been considering supporting the work of the Moroccan King in occupied Western Sahara, in partnership with German company Siemens. WSRW asks the UN to reconsider.

Published 25 June 2012

WRSW has asked German multinational Siemens to withdraw from supplying wind turbines and related technical assistance for the construction of the Foum el Oued windfarm project in occupied Western Sahara. Siemens' partner in the project is NAREVA holding, a Moroccan company owned personally by King Mohammed VI.

Published 24 June 2012
A cable from the US Embassy in 2005 problematised an issue which remained unaddressed by the EU's recent opening up of agri-trade with Morocco. "The longevity of Dakhla's fresh water aquifer is unknown", stated the note.
Published 22 June 2012

Who benefits from the booming agricultural industry in occupied Western Sahara? Surely not the Saharawis.

Published 19 June 2012
The CEO of the Dutch seismic company that used to work in occupied Western Sahara has now explained their 2009 pullout.
Published 19 June 2012

The WSRW report ‘Label and Liability’ documents how produce from the controversial agro-industry in the occupied territory, ends up in the baskets of unaware EU customers.

Published 18 June 2012

When an unofficial delegation from the European Parliament visited Dakhla city in occupied Western Sahara, the Moroccan government pulled the foreign flagged European fleet out of the harbour. After hiding 8 km offshore Dakhla for a day, the vessels returned.

Published 14 June 2012

WSRW has asked the European Commission what is being done to prevent that Western Sahara produce is being falsely labelled as 'Moroccan' as they reach the EU market.

Published 06 June 2012

While Canary imports of stolen Saharawi sand continue with impunity, a group of Spanish and Saharawi activists – including a member of WSRW - is still facing penal sanction, precisely for denouncing the illegal trade.

Published 05 June 2012

As the European Commission excerted pressure on the European Parliament to approve a controversial EU trade agreement with Morocco earlier this year, they claimed the agri-industry in Western Sahara was practically inexistant. The Commission has now stated it is twice the size as they said in February.

Published 04 June 2012
Two Latvian fishing trawlers, belonging to the Baltreids company, appear to be active in the waters adjacent to occupied Western Sahara.
Published 30 May 2012
Western Sahara Resource Watch has noted with satisfaction that 11 out of the 47 countries that participated in the working group session of Morocco's second universal periodic review, took the opportunity to ask questions about or put forward recommendations on Western Sahara. A massive step forward from 2008, when not one country raised the issue of Africa's last colony. Find out who said what, below.
Published 23 May 2012

While the UN Human Rights Council is gearing up to review Morocco’s human rights slate, WSRW urges the international community to give due attention to the rights of the Saharawi people.

Update: WSRW is pleased to note that several countries did raise the issue of Western Sahara during Morocco's UPR-session. Transcripts of those statements are available here.

Published 22 May 2012