The timing could hardly be worse. A new round of EU negotiations with Morocco regarding fisheries offshore occupied Western Sahara starts in three weeks, exactly as the UN peace mediator will visit Western Sahara to kick new life into the peace talks.
Published 22 October 2012
The trial against 2 Swedish fishermen who allegedly took part in illegal fisheries in Western Sahara is scheduled to open on 24 October.
Published 15 October 2012

"As a European I feel embarrassed", stated the former UN legal chief regarding the EU's fisheries activities in the waters of occupied Western Sahara, taking place in violation of international law. New trade agreements between Morocco and the EU - which Morocco is applying in Western Sahara - are entering info force in October 2012. WSRW questions the award of the Nobel peace prize to Morocco's important ally.

Published 12 October 2012

The Australian company Wesfarmers stated in its annual report that it for the coming production year, it will avoid phosphates from Western Sahara. It's fertiliser subsidiary company, CSBP has been a main importer of the controversial resource from the occupied territory.

Published 06 October 2012

This letter is meant as a suggestion as to how to first contact a supermarket if you see a product from "Morocco"

Published 06 October 2012
Sign petition for justice for Saharawi who denounces the plunder of Western Sahara. Sidahmed Lemjiyed has been in jail for 2 years without a trial.
Published 05 October 2012

In protest of unemployment and the plunder of their natural resources, 7 Saharawi youth occupied the UN offices of Smara, Western Sahara, this week. The protest took place on the same place where Morocco is currently looking for gas.

Published 05 October 2012
The Spanish canning company Jealsa listened to calls from pro-Saharawi groups and recently moved its production from occupied Western Sahara to Spain.
Published 05 October 2012

The extraction and export of phosphoric rock from the Bou Craa mines at El Aaiun, Western Sahara, is increasing day by day.

Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) continues to monitor phosphate rock exports from occupied Western Sahara. This update report provides details of exports and vessels involved in the trade over the period from 1 June until 31 August 2012 (the Observation Period).

Published 09 September 2012
Swedish daily newspaper Göteborgsposten published on 28 July 2012 a large article on the continued fisheries activities carried out in occupied Western Sahara by private Swedish fisheries interests.
Published 30 August 2012
Morocco cannot claim tariff preferences for agricultural products coming from Western Sahara on the basis of the upcoming EU-Morocco agricultural agreement, says Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs, Uri Rosenthal.
Published 29 August 2012

Spokespersons of two Swedish political parties urge the Swedish government to ensure that Morocco does not misuse the UN climate mechanism CDM to uphold the occupation of Western Sahara.

Published 13 August 2012

The vessel 'Alycia' arrived on Tuesday 7 August 2012 at Risdon dock in Hobart, ready to discharge its controversial cargo of phosphate from occupied Western Sahara for the local fertilizer producer Impact Fertilisers.

Published 09 August 2012

The African Union summit in July formally adopted a policy document calling for the halt of mineral plunder on the continent.

Published 27 July 2012

Several Moroccan environmental projects in occupied Western Sahara are being considered by the UN. Published in Norwegian news service Bistandsaktuelt, 17 July 2012.

Published 25 July 2012

Norwegian company DNV, certified by the UN Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to evaluate projects seeking CDM-funding, has issued a negative opinion on the Moroccan King’s envisioned windfarm project in occupied Western Sahara – precisely for taking place in a politically controversial area.

Published 23 July 2012

The UN considers the development of the natural resources in Western Sahara to be in violation of international law unless its people consent to and benefiting from it. Yet, Morocco is planning more applications to the UN to fund for its mineral resources plunder. “The UN’s Clean Development Mechanism must not support Morocco in Western Sahara”, stated WSRW.

Published 16 July 2012

The UN's Clean Development Mechanism is looking into endorsing a windfarm project, owned by the Moroccan king, in occupied Western Sahara. The Saharawi refugees don't want to see that happening.

Published 09 July 2012
WSRW has in recent weeks covered how the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism considers supporting wind energy in occupied Western Sahara. But it seems now it is it not the only project in process of being potentially funded by the same UN agency.
Published 09 July 2012