News about Boujdour Offshore Shallow

The Council on Ethics of the Swedish government pension fund explains in its latest annual report for 2017 that it had engaged in a dialogue with Glencore regarding Western Sahara – and that this dialogue now is finished. 

Published 06 July 2018

The final assets that Glencore held in oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara have been sold.

Published 23 January 2018

Fresh leaks from international tax-havens provide more information about who is behind the Glencore oil operations in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 21 November 2017
The biggest international company currently present in occupied Western Sahara is ending its operations in the territory, according to Swiss media.
Published 11 May 2017
The Norwegian investor KLP today announced it is ditching Swiss multinational Glencore for violating fundamental ethical norms in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 08 December 2015

The small UK company Xplorer PLC is looking for more capital to buy into the highly controversial Boujdour Offshore Shallow permit in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 23 July 2015

"No oil drilling should take place in the territory until the Saharawis have had the chance to exercise their right to self-determination and have freely and fairly decided the political status of their homeland", the appeal to the Security Council writes. Read the full letter, and list of signatures, here.

Published 15 April 2015
«We admit having done a mistake. It feels very uncomfortable having contributed in supporting an occupation power», seismic company SeaBird stated today. The company completed an assignment for Glencore and New Age in occupied Western Sahara in December.
Published 01 April 2015

Saharawi refugees yesterday protested against Swiss firm Glencore Plc, looking for oil in their occupied Western Sahara. See photos and videos of the protest here.

Published 18 March 2015

Former UN Legal Counsel Hans Corell urges in an article yesterday the EU to revise its Fisheries Partnership Agreement due to the Moroccan King's recent statement on Western Sahara. He also states that the oil exploration is in violation of the legal opinion he wrote for the UN Security Council.

Published 24 February 2015
In a letter sent to the company today, WSRW has repeated its concerns about Swiss company Glencore Plc's stake in the unethical oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara. Read the full letter, and our correspondence with Glencore, here.
Published 03 February 2015

Saharawis and Norwegians gathered Thursday night in front of the offices of SeaBird in Oslo to protest against the company's oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Glencore and the Moroccan government.

Published 20 December 2014
WSRW has today appealed to Swiss company Glencore Plc to withdraw from its participation in Morocco's oil search in Western Sahara. Read the full letter here.
Published 18 December 2014

A delegation from the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights was 10 December expelled from occupied Western Sahara by Moroccan police. The group entered the territory to discuss the Glencore-SeaBird seismic studies with local human rights activists.

Published 13 December 2014
The Swiss commodities giant wants to engage in controversial oil drilling in the occupied territory of Western Sahara. Article published in Sonntagzeitung, Switzerland, 26 October 2014
Published 29 October 2014

A subsidiary of Glencore Xstrata has been awarded two licences off occupied Western Sahara. The multinational company misplaces the locations of the blocks – placing them in the occupying country, Morocco.

Published 15 October 2014

Two companies - linked to each other - both claim to have ownership over the Boujdour Offshore Shallow block in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 05 July 2013

A firm called Teredo Morocco Ltd has got the right to explore for oil offshore Western Sahara in violation of international law. If you know the company, please send us a mail.

Published 20 October 2011