News about New Age

The Swiss company is undertaking more seismic studies and has entered into a renewed contract on a neighbouring block, offshore the occupied territory.

Published 15 February 2017

The WSRW report A Platform for Conflict published in October 2014 left it unclear which company - of New Age and Glencore - was the operator of the Foum Ognit block. The answer is New Age.

Published 29 March 2015
The government of Western Sahara has sent a letter to SeaBird insisting on "an immediate end to the activity" of carrying out seismic studies on behalf of the occupying power in the territory.
Published 12 December 2014

The vessel "Harrier Explorer" is currently shooting 2D images of the seabed in the El Aaiun-Tarfaya basis offshore occupied Western Sahara.

Published 08 December 2014

A subsidiary of Glencore Xstrata has been awarded two licences off occupied Western Sahara. The multinational company misplaces the locations of the blocks – placing them in the occupying country, Morocco.

Published 15 October 2014
Here are all files of the two companies New Age Morocco Ltd and its mother company New Age (African Global Energy) Ltd registered in the Jersey company register.
Published 29 September 2014