News about NewMed

The Norwegian government pension fund has announced that it has excluded Delek Group from its portfolio due to its petroleum exploration offshore occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 19 December 2023

NewMed's gas exploration licence offshore occupied Western Sahara is "illegal”, Polisario lashes out in a release.

Published 04 June 2023

Here are the owners of Delek Group which is behind the oil search offshore occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 13 February 2023

The Israeli company that signed an agreement for hydrocarbon exploration in occupied Western Sahara claims to follow “the laws in force”. But of which country?

Published 06 February 2023

Israel's NewMed Energy today announced it has signed a deal with Morocco to produce natural gas offshore Boujdour, bringing former Cairn Energy back into the occupied territory. 

Published 06 December 2022