UN calls on stop of plunder of world's remaining colonies

UN General Assembly called on 10 December a halt of economic activity in colonies that are detrimental to the people\'s interest.

Published 18 December 2010

The 62nd Plenary Meeting of the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly adopted on 10 December 2010 a series of texts, among them 2 statements relating to the administration and plundering of so-called Non-Self Governing Territories - also called colonies.

These are the minutes from the UN vote: 

The Fourth Committee’s report on Information from Non-Self Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations (document A/65/426) contains a resolution of the same name, by which the Assembly would request the administrating Powers concerned to transmit, or continue to transmit, regularly to the Secretary-General information relating to economic, social and educational conditions in the Territories, for which they were responsible. It would also request the fullest possible information on political and constitutional developments in the Territories concerned.

The text was approved by a recorded vote of 143 in favour to none against, with 4 abstentions (France, Israel, United Kingdom, United States) on 11 October. (Press Release GA/SPD/455)

The Fourth Committee’s report economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories (document A/65/427) contains a draft resolution of the same name, by which the Assembly would reaffirm the right of peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories to self-determination in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, as well as their right to enjoy and dispose of their natural resources in their best interest.

Also according to the text, the Assembly would call once again on all Governments that had not yet done so to take legislative, administrative or other measures to put an end to enterprises in the Territories — undertaken by those Governments’ nationals or corporate bodies under their jurisdiction — that were detrimental to the interests of the inhabitants. It would call upon the administrating Powers to ensure that the exploitation of the marine and other natural resources in the Non-Self-Governing Territories under their administration were not in violation of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and did not adversely affect the interests of the peoples of those Territories.

The Committee approved the text by a recorded vote of 147 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with 2 abstentions (France, United Kingdom) on 11 October. (Press Release GA/SPD/455)

Download the draft resolution - which was adopted- here. 

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