
The EU will pay Morocco to fish offshore Western Sahara - a territory which is under Moroccan occupation. Former UN Legal Counsel calls the EU's misuse of his assessment to defend fisheries in Western Sahara "preposterous", according to TIME magazine.

Published 09 August 2014
The King of Morocco has now ratified its dirty fisheries agreement with EU, allowing EU vessels to fish in Western Sahara waters under Moroccan occupation. The European Commission fails in geography regarding the location of the fisheries in communiqué.
Published 16 July 2014

Kosmos Energy's supply vessel Geo Service 1 was observed yesterday in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 05 July 2014

A quartet of Danish municipalities have demanded from controversial salt importer Danske Vejsalt that no Western Sahara road salt is sold to them.

Published 01 July 2014
The UN secretariat has previously stated any further oil search in Western Sahara would be illegal. Polisario requested the UN Secretary General to intervene.
Published 01 July 2014

Two of the vessels used by Kosmos Energy for its final exploration programme were last week observed in Dakhla, occupied Western Sahara.
Published 30 June 2014

The rig ship 'Atwood Achiever', which will drill in occupied Western Sahara in a few months, is soon to travel to the territory. Now it is testing offshore Korea.

Published 29 June 2014
Kosmos Energy officials are next week to undertake a mission to Western Sahara to meet with pro-Moroccan sham groups in Western Sahara, according to WSRW's sources. The company is ever closer to destroy the future of the Saharawi people.
Published 29 June 2014
The US oil company Kosmos Energy in a statement this week that it has the right to drill in Western Sahara - opposing the opinion of the UN legal office.
Published 28 June 2014
The EU's scandalous fisheries agreement - whereby the EU is to pay Morocco to fish in Western Sahara waters which are under its occupation - has been taken to European Court of Justice. Polisario asks for the annulment of the accord, according to the Official Journal of the European Union.
Published 22 June 2014

The Swedish company Wisby Tankers AB is leading in a controversial trade: supplying occupied Western Sahara with petroleum products. New WSRW report today.

Published 20 June 2014

At the Spanish government owned harbour of Las Palmas today, Geo Service 1 is bunkering supplies for the illegal Moroccan oil studies offshore occupied Western Sahara. The studies take place not too far away from Spanish waters.

Published 17 June 2014

The director of a handicap institution in Western Sahara was attacked by police as he went out to the street with this poster.

Published 13 June 2014

WSRW launches today, for the first time, a complete report listing all the clients, volumes, values and shipments relating to Morocco's exports of phosphate rock from occupied territory.

Published 12 June 2014

The New Zealand does not wish to clarify its trade relations with occupied Western Sahara, nor to explain what it has done to seek the consent of the people of the territory.

Published 04 June 2014

A subsidary of the Chinese national oil company CNPC this month started a new study offshore occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Kosmos Energy. "Severely undermining the UN peace efforts for the occupied territory", stated WSRW, condemning the operation.

Published 30 May 2014
The Saharawi parliament adopted on 26 May 2014 the first Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Mining Code.
Published 29 May 2014
The oil rig that this autumn will destroy the future of the Sahrawi population is not just equipped with components made by Norwegian company Aker Solutions. The rig is filled to the brim with equipment from National Oilwell Varco’s Norwegian plants – at a threefold greater value.
Published 12 May 2014

Pictures taken in Boujdour harbour, occupied Western Sahara, demonstrate that vulnerable shark species are still being caught by the Moroccan fleet in the territory - in spite of international rules and regulations calling for their protection.

Published 30 April 2014