
The Moroccan-EFTA free trade agreement does not cover Western Sahara, according to Norwegian and Swiss authorities. This will have multi-million euro consequences for a firm that systematically mislabeled Western Sahara imports as Moroccan, and illustrates how the European Commission is on collision course with rest of the international community.

Published 12 May 2010

"Since Morocco does not exercise internationally recognised sovereignty over Western Sahara, Western Sahara is not seen as a part of Morocco’s territory in relation to this agreement. The Free Trade Agreement is thus not applicable to goods from Western Sahara", stated Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jonas Gahr Store, 11 May 2010.

Published 12 May 2010

Dutch seismic services firm Fugro NV, and its Norwegian subsidiary Fugro-Geoteam, state they do not want to undertake any more assignments in Western Sahara under the current political situation in the country.

Published 06 May 2010

"It turns out that the tomatoes are from Dakhla in occupied Western Sahara, so we are not going to sell them anymore. These things are not supposed to happen", stated media officer Ingmar Kroon at the Swedish grocery chain Axfood.

Published 03 May 2010
Paul-Christian Rieber, president of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), has for years traded with a country that Norwegian authorities have asked the business community to avoid. That may have been the main reason he resigned yesterday. Aftenposten, 24 April 2010.
Published 27 April 2010

The big European energy project Desertec has announced it will not invest in occupied Western Sahara for "reputational reasons".

Published 25 April 2010
The company of the most important person in Norwegian business life today, the President of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, is under investigation by Norwegian authorities. The reason is a failure to pay import tens of millions of euros on duties upon importing fish oil from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 23 April 2010
Today, a vessel owned by the Canadian CSL Group arrives New Zealand with phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 19 April 2010
Report of the UN General Assembly\'s Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) voted on 28 October 2009 the report Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories.
Published 17 April 2010

Every Thursday, the old Saharawi phosphate miners demand their rights from the Moroccan controlled phosphate company, OCP. They were under contracts with the Spanish, but lost their rights when Morocco illegally invaded the territory and took control of the mine.

Published 15 April 2010

Norwegian fish oil importer GC Rieber today announced that they have stopped all imports of fish oil from Morocco and occupied Western Sahara. After their biggest customer did not longer want to buy the controversial oil, the importer has chosen to stop further purchases from the region. Norwatch, 14 April 2010.

Published 14 April 2010
WSRW asked in a letter president Medvedev to explain what Russia has done to prevent violating international law by fishing in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 12 April 2010

"It is inconceivable that MINURSO should remain the only contemporary UN peace mission lacking a mandate to monitor human rights", WSRW stated in a letter to the Security Council yesterday. WSRW asked for the UN to monitor both the human rights violations and the illegal plundering of natural resourecs in the territory.

Published 11 April 2010
So far this year, the Colombian port of Baranquilla has received 2 shipments of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 11 April 2010
A Norwegian government owned company stops purchases from Morocco and Western Sahara, over ethical concern. The value of the purchases has amounted to around 10 million euros annually.
Published 10 April 2010

UN has said that looking for oil in Western Sahara is illegal. But the Irish firm San Leon Energy moves steadily forwards. Drilling underway next year.

Published 07 April 2010
In its letters to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and all members of the Security Council, Western Sahara Resource Watch called for a human rights monitoring capacity to be included in the MINURSO mandate, as well as the establishment of a mechanism to place the proceeds from the exploitation of Western Sahara\'s natural resources under international administration until the status of the territory has been resolved. Read the letter here.
Published 01 April 2010

Life, the largest health store chain in Scandinavia, has decided to stop new orders of Omega 3-supplements for its brand Biomega, Swedish and Norwegian media report.

Published 19 March 2010
Last week, Swedish national TV revealed that a Norwegian Omega 3 fat acid producer sources its fish oil from ocupied Western Sahara. The tablets reaches customers on the Swedish market. Now, the German mother firm, Cognis, has ordered a stop to the continued use of material from Western Sahara and Morocco.
Read also: The German Corporation Cognis Cuts All Purchases from Morocco
Published 16 March 2010
Swedish national TV revealed this week how fish oil from occupied Western Sahara is secretly sold on the Scandinavian market. Western Sahara Resource Watch and former German MEP Margot Kessler today sent a letter to the German firm Cognis, asking that they instruct their Norwegian subsidiary to halt the unethical imports.
Published 12 March 2010