
In advance of next week’s first ever EU-Morocco summit, Polisario urges the EU Commission to halt illegal fisheries offshore occupied Western Sahara.

Published 07 March 2010

Uruguay imported 2, or perhaps 3, shipments from occupied Western Sahara last year. The shipments were labelled as "Moroccan", and had a total value of 4,4 million dollars.

Published 04 March 2010
The Saharawi workers at the phosphate mine in occupied Western Sahara demand the Moroccan exports of phosphate to halt.
Published 02 March 2010

The Polish Ministry of Economy says that there is no need to “differentiate between the territory of Morocco and that of Western Sahara”. However, such a position is inconsistent with international law and resolutions of the UN General Assembly adopted over the last 40 years, said representative of Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW).

Published 02 March 2010

Brussels, 23 February 2010 - In a previously confidential legal opinion, the European Parliament’s Legal Service has declared fishing by European vessels in Western Sahara’s waters to be in violation of international law. Press release.

Published 26 February 2010
4th March 2010. With talks of the plundering of natural resources.
Published 26 February 2010
Australian researcher Dana Cordell defended today a PhD thesis called “The Story of Phosphorus - Sustainability implications of global phosphorus scarcity for food security” at the Linköping University, Sweden. The thesis underlines dilemmas of exploration of the deposits in Western Sahara.
Published 25 February 2010
The EU is paying Morocco to fish in occupied Western Sahara. Protest by signing this petition.
Published 25 February 2010

WSRW can today present the 11 page statement from the European Parliament’s Legal Service. The statement – concluding that EU fisheries in occupied Western Sahara under its current shape is in violation of international law - has been kept from the public for 7 months.

Published 23 February 2010

A report from the Moroccan state and mining company ONHYM from September 2009 reveals that Morocco is exploring the uranium potential in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 23 February 2010
On 2 February 2010, representatives of the European Union and Morocco met in Rabat to analyze the problems of the EU-Moroccan Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA). The meeting never raised the opinions of the Sahrawi people, despite the fact that most of the fisheries take place offshore their land.
Published 19 February 2010
11 December 2009, a shipment of phosphate rock arrived Montevideo, Uruguay. This is the first known shipment to the South American country.
Published 19 February 2010

Since July 2009, a legal opinion written by the European Parliament’s legal service has been held outside of public knowledge. The extraordinary text concludes that the EU fisheries in Western Sahara under its current shape must stop.

Published 28 January 2010
Australian phosphate importer Incitec Pivot said at its recent Annual General Meeting that the UN is responsible for the Western Sahara issue, not the company. Simultaneously, they defended their imports which are taking place in violation of the UN\'s legal opinion and over 100 UN resolutions.
Published 27 December 2009

The Australian fertilizer producer Incitec Pivot imports phosphate from occupied Western Sahara in violation of international law. Australian Council of Trade Unions, and Australia Western Sahara Association protested at the company's annual general meeting.

Published 27 December 2009
The fertilizer producer Monomeros in Colombia has received yet another shipment of phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 10 December 2009

"It is a violation of international law for the natural resources of Western Sahara to be exploited in this way. But the EU continues to buy permits from Morocco for EU fishing vessels which allows them to fish in Western Saharan waters. The people of Western Sahara have never given their permission for this to happen", stated MEP Jill Evans in a press release.

Published 16 November 2009

Today an international campaign was launched to make the EU withdraw its vessels from the waters offshore the occupied territory of Western Sahara. Press release, 6 November 2009.

Published 06 November 2009

Western Sahara human rights activist Aminatou Haidar hopes for increased attention to the EU plundering of occupied Western Sahara.

Published 06 November 2009

WSRW and Defense Forum Foundation repeats question to the USTDA as to what is being done to prevent US funds from being used by the Moroccan government in Western Sahara.

Published 04 November 2009