
WESTERN Sahara's Petroleum Authority has accused Kosmos Energy of violating international law by awarding Fugro-Geoteam a contract for a major seismic survey in Morocco's Southern Provinces, writes Barry Morgan. Upstream, 23 January 2009.

Published 27 January 2009
Rumours of Libyan state oil company Tamoil having entered occupied Western Sahara were in 2007 emphanitcally denied by the company. Now, the rumours resurface in Spanish media.
Published 27 January 2009
President Abdelaziz calls on EU to cease illegal fishing in Western Sahara’s waters. Press release from SADR, 22 Jan 2009.
Published 22 January 2009
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Sahrawi Arabic Democratic Republic sent 15 January 2009 a letter to Kosmos Energy demanding the company to terminates its operations in occupied Western Sahara. On 13 January 2009 a similar letter was sent to Dutch-Norwegian seismic survey company Fugro-Geoteam, which started its exploration for Kosmos in January.
Published 16 January 2009

Western Sahara Resource Watch demands that Fugro-Geoteam terminate their profoundly unethical activities, and immediately withdraw their vessel "Geo Caribbean" from the Western Saharan waters. Fugro works in occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Moroccan authorities. Read open letter to Fugro, 12 January 2009.

Published 13 January 2009

A huge Norwegian research vessel has in secret travelled to the coast of occupied Western Sahara. This weekend the Norwegian company Fugro-Geoteam started a controversial operation to carry out oil exploration, in defiance of the advice of the UN and the Norwegian government. Norwatch, 12 January 2009.

Published 12 January 2009

From this port, in El Aaiun, Western Sahara, the international phosphate plundering is taken place.

Published 07 January 2009

Gas tanker 'Lingegas' has visited occupied Western Sahara.

Published 07 January 2009
In 2006, the EU fisheries commissioner used the 2002 UN legal opinion on natural resources in Western Sahara to legitimise an illegal fisheries agreement. The author of the legal opinion says Borg must have been "ill advised". See Borg's bizarre reading of the UN text.
Published 06 January 2009
According to the Moroccan newspaper TelQuel, the King of Morocco has ownership in the tomato industry in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 01 January 2009

The New Zealand company Ballance Agri-Nutrients has again bought phosphate rock from a Moroccan state phosphate company in occupied Western Sahara. The shipment arrived 3 December 2008, on the Israeli managed vessel 'White Diamond'.

Published 28 December 2008

Madeira has constructed a second artificial beach. Just as before, the sand is originating from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 26 December 2008
24th of December 2008, the oil reconnaissance contract held by the Irish oil company Island Oil & Gas for oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara expired. Today WSRW sent the company a letter demanding them to not renew their engagement.
Published 24 December 2008
Sent 13 December 2006, the day after Island Oil & Gas announced its contract with Moroccan authorities on occupied land in Western Sahara.
Published 23 December 2008

The Swedish Trade Council has withdrawn a map from its homepages, showing Western Sahara as part of Morocco. The step was taken after correction from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Published 23 December 2008
Published 21 December 2008

Incitec Pivot is receiving one more controversial phosphate shipment from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 21 December 2008
The Australian fertiliser company Incitec Pivot keeps maintaining its unethical practice of supporting the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. The imports were questioned during the company\'s Annual General Meeting on December 19th 2008.

Read also: New vessel heading for IPL
Published 21 December 2008

Vessel Yasa Gulten to arrive New Zealand in Christmas week.

Published 19 December 2008
One giant vessel has just offloaded its cargo in the United States, and is now passing this river bend along the Mississippi.
Published 19 December 2008