This letter was sent on 7th of October 2008 to the Bulgarian phosphate importer, Agropolychim.
Published 06 October 2008

The Bulgarian fertiliser producer Agropolychim is in two days expecting a vessel with phosphates from occupied Western Sahara. The vessel could contain around 7.000 tonnes of phosphates. "Agropolychim must stop such imports and return the vessel to where it came from", demands Javier García Lachica, international coordinator of Western Sahara Resource Watch.
Read also: Letter from WSRW to Agropolychim, sent 7th of October 2008.
Update: The vessel has arrived Varna

Published 04 October 2008
The Louisiana based phosphate importer PCS Nitrogen has yet again imported phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 27 September 2008


Representatives of the Australian Western Sahara Association protested at the fertiliser company Incitec Pivot's Extraordinary General Assembly. See photos here of former democrat Senator, Lyn Allison, asking questions at the assembly. 


Published 06 September 2008

"There's no such country called Western Sahara," Incitec Pivot said to Australian Associated Press today. The statement follows intervention by former Australian senator in the company's general assembly, protesting the trade. 

Read also press release: Australian Superphosphate not so super

Published 05 September 2008
Press release issued by the Australian Western Sahara Association, 5 September 2008.
Published 05 September 2008

A Western Saharan diplomat has condemned New Zealand’s purchases of the territory’s fertilisers from Morocco.

Published 23 August 2008

Written by Spanish Jesús Madre Casorrán, formerly employed in the mine.

Published 23 August 2008

What role does human rights play in the European Neighbourhood Policy? A thesis by Linde Lindqvist Gustavsson at Lund University, Sweden (2007), suggests that human rights issues might fall short when in dispute with Europe\'s self interest. The author compares the cases of Morocco and Turkey.

Published 19 August 2008

And who will receive 3,7 tonnes of frozen fish?

Published 13 August 2008

The Turkish shipping company Yasa Shipping is doing it again.

Published 11 August 2008
A new vessel has just discharged phosphates from occupied Western Sahara in Colombia. The country has so far this year imported illegally mined phosphates for 29 million USD.
Published 10 August 2008

A Hong Kong company is linked to Morocco\'s brutal exploitation of Western Sahara. South China Morning Post, 10 August 2008.

Published 10 August 2008
In 2005, the bulk vessel Furness Karumba got known in Australia, when she shipped phosphates - and 2 dead Moroccan stowaways - from occupied Western Sahara to Australia. Now the vessel is on its way again.
Published 10 August 2008

The large Russian fishing vessel Zakhar Sorokin has spent a week trawling occupied waters. 

Published 04 August 2008
On the top left corner of this Florida harbour, a vessel unloaded phosphate from occupied Western Sahara in July.
Published 04 August 2008

A report published earlier this year on ONHYM's homepages reveals that Morocco is looking for iron in the southern parts of occupied Western Sahara. The report suggests that iron could be found in the territory.

Published 01 August 2008

Moroccan weekly newspaper Aujourd'hui le Maroc speculates that the Danish clarification on Western Sahara policy is due to energy cooperation with Algeria. A Moroccan government appointed institution demands boycott of Danish businesses in entire Morocco.

Published 30 July 2008
The activities of a South African-Namibian fishing company in occupied Western Sahara have been covered on SABC\'s radio news programme Tam Tam Express. Hear their programme \"A fishy business\" here.
Published 30 July 2008