The EU-Moroccan fisheries agreement of 2006

Here is the EU-Moroccan Fisheries Partnership Agreement of 2006, in several languages.

Published 22 May 2006

The agreement was negotiated and initialed, on 28 July 2005. It was then concluded by the Council (and entered into force) on 22 May 2006.

* FISHERIES PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT between the European Communities and the Kingdom of Morocco [PDF - English]

* ACUERDO DE COLABORACIÓN en el sector pesquero entre la Comunidad Europea y el Reino de Marruecos [PDF -Spanish]

* ACCORD DE PARTENARIAT dans le secteur de la pêche entre la Communauté européenne et le Royaume du Maroc [PDF -French]

* AVTAL om fiskepartnerskap mellan Europeiska gemenskapen och Konungariket Marocko [PDF - Swedish]

* ACORDO DE PARCERIA no domínio da pesca entre a Comunidade Europeia e o Reino de Marrocos [PDF - Portuguese]

* PARTNERSCHAFTLICHES FISCHEREIABKOMMEN zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und dem Königreich Marokko [PDF -German]

* PARTNERSCHAPSOVEREENKOMST inzake visserij tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en het Koninkrijk Marokko [PDF -Dutch]

* ACCORDO DI PARTENARIATO nel settore della pesca tra la Comunità europea e il Regno del Marocco [PDF - Italian


Here is the EU Council's legal advice on fishing in occupied waters

Before voting on the new EU-Morocco fish deal in 2018, extending into occupied Western Sahara, several EU Member States asked for legal advice that would determine their vote. WSRW today publishes that influential legal opinion, which appears to miss the ball entirely.
05 March 2020

Hans Corell criticizes EU fisheries in Western Sahara

The former Legal Counsel to the UN Security Counsel, Mr. Hans Corell, comments on the EU's fisheries activities in Western Sahara.

20 November 2019

EU Court reaffirms position on Western Sahara

Polisario has a case, but it should be pursued when the time is right, Court implies.

28 February 2019

European Parliament disregards Court and adopts Morocco fish deal

Notwithstanding four consecutive rulings of the EU's highest Court calling such a practice illegal, the European Parliament has just now voted in favour of the EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement that will be applied to the waters of occupied Western Sahara.

12 February 2019