On 27 February, the date of the foundation of the Western Sahara Republic in exile, the European Commission will commence talks with Morocco on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement – a trade deal which will have a profound impact on occupied Western Sahara.
Published 25 February 2013

In view of the incredibly harsh verdicts in the Gdeim Izik trial, which failed to meet the international standards for a fair trial, Western Sahara Resource Watch has appealed to the European Commission to put ongoing discussions for increased trade with Morocco on hold.

Published 21 February 2013
The Venezuelan company, partly owned by FMC Corp, stated in a mail to WSRW today that it does not import phosphate rock from Western Sahara.
Published 20 February 2013

Western Sahara Resource Watch has received this photo of the Geo Service I, the offshore supply ship accompanying the vessel BGP Prospector that is carrying out seismic seabed research for French oil giant Total.

Published 19 February 2013
Regarding possible imports from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 19 February 2013
Western Sahara Resource Watch today asked FMC Corp’s subsidiary in Venezuela for the fourth time questions regarding its controversial imports from occupied Western Sahara. WSRW can reveal that the company might have imported twice during the last year, in spite of the mother company’s promises to investors that the imports have ended.
LATEST: Tripoliven clarifies it does not import from Western Sahara.
Published 19 February 2013

The military court in Rabat has convicted 25 Saharawi activists to shockingly tough sentences. All were arrested in relation to the Gdeim Izik protest camp; a peaceful manifestation disputing the Saharawi people’s continual marginalisation in their occupied country.

Published 17 February 2013
The new four-year fisheries agreement between Russia and Morocco was signed officially yesterday. The agreement had already been provisionally applied since December 2012.
Published 15 February 2013

Swedish minister for trade clarifies that no states in the EU recognise Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, and that therefore products made in the territory cannot be given trade preference under the EU-Morocco trade agreements.

Published 15 February 2013

Negotiations between the European Commission and Morocco in Rabat were aborted yesterday. New talks are to take place before the end of February.

Published 12 February 2013
While French oil company Total is exploring for oil off occupied Western Sahara, 26 Saharawi civil society organisations ask the company to cease its activities. “We, the signatories of this statement are against the presence of Total in Western Sahara. We urge the company stop all research and leave immediately”, they write in a statement issued yesterday.
Published 08 February 2013
Today, 24 Saharawi activists are expected to appear before a military tribunal in Morocco. All of them were arrested in the aftermath of the Gdeim Izik protest camp - an immense gathering of Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories, united in their demand to have their social and economic rights respected.
Published 08 February 2013

Unemployed Saharawis call for an end to discrimination in fisheries industry.

Published 04 February 2013
The French farmers’ association Confédération Paysanne has filed a lawsuit against Idyl, a company that imports fruits and vegetables produced in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 04 February 2013
The fourth round of EU-Morocco negotiations to reach a new fish agreement couldn't reach a consensus. New talks are to take place in Rabat, on 11-12 February.
Published 04 February 2013
Western Sahara Resource Watch has received pictures of pilot whales and dolphins killed in the waters of occupied Western Sahara.
Published 29 January 2013
The Moroccan government and the European Commission are expected to commence negotiations for the highly problematic Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) on 25 February 2013.
Published 29 January 2013

This is the press release that was sent out by Siemens on 30 January 2012.

Published 28 January 2013
Four major Swedish food chains have today declared that they no longer wish to import or sell products from occupied Western Sahara, falsely labelled as Moroccan.
Published 22 January 2013