Tuesday 16 November, 14:30 - 16:00, in the European Parliament.
Speakers: former UN envoy Francesco Bastagli, Law Professor Carlos Ruiz Miguel and Saharawi human rights defender Aminetu Haidar.
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Published 11 November 2010

In complete violation of international law, Morocco is pillaging the minerals and phosphates in occupied Western Sahara. This week, their office in El Aaiun was raided by Saharawis. A phosphate worker was killed by Moroccan police. 

Published 10 November 2010
For 4 weeks, the Saharawis had protested peacefully in a camp outside the Western Sahara capital, against unemployment and discrimination. When the camp was destroyed by the Moroccan army, killing several Saharawi, the protesters went into town, where they set on fire symbols of the plundering.
Published 10 November 2010
The UN Development Programme (UNDP) announces that all its programmes in Morocco “are limited to the internationally recognised borders of Morocco”. UNDP rejects an erroneous media report claiming that a UNDP official praised the development in “Morocco’s Southern Provinces”.
Published 10 November 2010
“The extremely tense situation in occupied Western Sahara illustrates the need for the UN to work for the protection of the people and the natural wealth of the territory”, stated Western Sahara Resource Watch in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and all members of the Security Council today. Read the letter here.
Published 04 November 2010

Check out this WSRW video showing the vessel spotted by Brisbane Times.

Published 03 November 2010

Every now and then we discover all is not as right with the world as we thought it was. Even so, who would think a wake-up call could come in the shape of phosphatic rock?

Published 03 November 2010
Brussels, 21 Oct (EFE). – European Commissioner for Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, and the Moroccan Minister for Fisheries, Aziz Akhannouch, have debated the fisheries agreement, set to expire in March 2011. But still no agenda has been set to negotiate its renewal, sources from within the Commission informed Efe.
Published 24 October 2010
At their annual Party Congress, the European Liberal Democrats’ Party have adopted a resolution stating that the fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco should not be extended, unless the Saharan waters are excluded from the agreement.
Published 18 October 2010
In protest of the ongoing exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources, and their dire socio-economic situation, hundreds of Saharawi in the occupied territories have left their homes in the cities to live in tents in the desert.
Published 15 October 2010

In its statement to the United Nations’ Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee), Western Sahara Resource Watch called for the establishment of a mechanism to place the proceeds from the exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources under international administration until the conflict has been resolved, and for the inclusion of a human rights component into the MINURSO mandate.

Published 13 October 2010
Seminar about EU fisheries in occupied Western Sahara in European Parliament, 5 October 2010.
Published 08 October 2010
Western Sahara Resource Watch calls upon the international community to appeal to Morocco to ensure a fair trial for human rights activists Ali Salem Tamek, Brahim Dahane and Ahmed Naciri.
Published 08 October 2010
A peaceful manifestation by unemployed Saharawi graduates came to an abrupt end by a violent intervention from the Moroccan police yesterday. Banners stating “Sahara’s natural resources are sufficient to employ us” triggered a swift response by the authorities right in front of the Royal Palace.
Published 08 October 2010

When Fugro Norway was to promote itself on the Business days at the University of Oslo on 28 September, they were welcomed with cake. In 2009, Fugro was refused to attend the same event due to their engagement in occupied Western Sahara. Since then, the firm has withdrawn from the occupied territory.

Published 03 October 2010

“I ask the EU to please take into account the rights of my people. We, the Saharawi, are saddened over the way this fisheries agreement with Morocco affects our struggle”, stated the Saharawi refugee Senia Abderahman to the European Commission.

Published 29 September 2010
Morocco invites Qatari businessmen to kill a vulnerable bird species in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 26 September 2010

The French owned bulk vessel 'Tenor' has in September completed a big shipment to New Zealand of phosphates from occupied Western Sahara. French organisation urges company to halt further transports from the territory.

Published 26 September 2010

"If the EU is to raise its credibility with the African Union, reviewing its stance toward Africa’s last colonial conflict would be a good place to start", reads WSRW's letter published in European Voice today.

Published 23 September 2010
A Norwegian importer has to pay giant fee for avoiding excise upon declaring goods from Western Sahara as Moroccan. The preferential treatment under the Moroccan-EFTA agreement cannot be granted to goods from Western Sahara, Norwegian government says. The EFTA free trade agreement with Morocco does not cover Western Sahara.
Published 17 September 2010