News about Dakhla Atlantique Anzarane
The French company Total paid the Moroccan government near 4 million US dollars for the Anzarane exploration licence offshore Western Sahara, under illegal occupation.
Published 08 October 2019

"The contract was not extended in December 2015", company writes on website. It has also confirmed that it has "no plans" to return to the territory, which lies in the part of Western Sahara under Moroccan occupation.

Published 21 June 2016
The Norwegian insurance company Storebrand has blacklisted both phosphate and oil companies involved in occupied Western Sahara. Among them are the French company Total, which are now back in from the cold after they withdrew from the territory.
Published 25 March 2016

The French multinational oil company has announced that it is no longer pursuing oil search offshore Western Sahara. "More good news for the Saharawi people. We urge the remaining oil companies to follow suit", stated WSRW.

Published 21 December 2015

The French oil multinational confirms having renewed for 12 months its licence offshore "the Sahara region". The company keeps following the terminology of the occupying power of Morocco - their partner.

Published 03 February 2014
French oil multinational Total, with the biggest licence offshore occupied Western Sahara, says it will only disclose in mid-January whether it has renewed or not its licence in the territory.
Published 20 December 2013

On Sunday 17 November, dozens of Saharawis took to the streets of El Aaiun to protest against the involvement of Total, Siemens and the EU in the illegal exploitation of their occupied country's natural resources.

Published 18 November 2013

In its statement to the United Nations’ Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee), Western Sahara Resource Watch drew attention to companies trading in phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara and Groupe Total's unethical seabed oil exploration in the adjacent waters.

Published 11 October 2013
Former UN Legal Counsel Hans Corell states to Swedish media that the legal opinion made for the Security Council in 2002 has been misused by both the EU and investors in the oil sector.
Published 06 October 2013

In July, Total finished one year of seismic exploration offshore Western Sahara. A new video shows the vessels at Las Palmas harbour, just after their assigment had ended. 

Published 20 September 2013
Western Sahara Resource Watch today launched a report on the French oil company Total’s irresponsible comeback in occupied Western Sahara. The company carries out exploration in the territory despite the UN legal office stating it would be in violation of international law.
Published 02 September 2013

Two vessels that have been contracted by French oil company Total to search occupied Western Sahara's seabed for oil, are currently at anchor in the harbour of Las Palmas. See videos and photos here.

Published 22 July 2013
The Norwegian pension scheme KLP is excluding the French oil company Total from its investments. KLP considers Total’s activities in Western Sahara unethical.
Published 04 June 2013
Still no reply on future options nor stakeholder consultation. Total respond that would be politics.
Published 29 May 2013
In a letter 30 March 2013, Frente Polisario called on the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to intervene to stop the Moroccan-French oil exploration offshore occupied Western Sahara.
Published 16 April 2013
....and other questions relating to the Western Sahara operations. Total has just emailed WSRW.
Published 11 April 2013
Western Sahara Resource Watch today again asked Total, for the third time, for explanations of their operations in the waters of occupied Western Sahara.
Published 15 March 2013

Chinese company BGP affirms to WSRW undertaking seabed research on behalf of French oil firm Total. This article has been updated: Seismic study to end 30 March 2013.

Published 05 March 2013

Western Sahara Resource Watch has received this photo of the Geo Service I, the offshore supply ship accompanying the vessel BGP Prospector that is carrying out seismic seabed research for French oil giant Total.

Published 19 February 2013
While French oil company Total is exploring for oil off occupied Western Sahara, 26 Saharawi civil society organisations ask the company to cease its activities. “We, the signatories of this statement are against the presence of Total in Western Sahara. We urge the company stop all research and leave immediately”, they write in a statement issued yesterday.
Published 08 February 2013