Orange: "May God assist" the Moroccan king

French telecom company Orange is proud to finance business opportunities in the Moroccan kingdom's ”southern provinces", praying that “may God assist His Highness, the Moroccan king”.

05 June 2023
 Orange Maroc Linkedin, 11 May 2023. 

Orange Maroc - a Moroccan subsidiary of the French telecom giant Orange - on 11 May 2023 wrote on LinkedIn that it had the status of “gold sponsor” for an investment fair in Dakhla.

Very controversially, the company refers to Dakhla as being in the “southern provinces” of the kingdom of Morocco. 

It is not. 

Western Sahara is a separate and distinct territory from Morocco, and the town of Dakhla is in the part of Western Sahara that is under illegal Moroccan occupation. 

1,5 hours after Orange Maroc posted the announcement, a LinkedIn account belonging to Hind Lfal - who joined Orange Maroc [or download] as secretary general in 2021 - made a separate LinkedIn post, equally problematic (our translation):

“We are proud to take part in the second edition of the ‘Day of Promotion of Investments in Dakhla’ on 11 and 12 May organised by APDAK under the high patronage of His Majesty the King VI, may God assist him. During this event, we will take part in the organised panels alongside political and economic stakeholders. Engaged in accompanying the different works initiated in the kingdom and particularly in the southern provinces, we are very proud to contribute to the development of infrastructure in the region.” 

Referring to the territory as Morocco's “southern provinces” is deeply political, controversial and biased. It goes against the rulings of several international courts and hundreds of UN resolutions, who have all pronounced on the matter.

On its website, Orange SA’s Moroccan subsidiary Orange Maroc states having 7 offices in El Aaiún, 1 in Boujdour, 1 in Smara and 2 in Dakhla. They are all described as being located in "Morocco".

Western Sahara Resource Watch on 22 May sent a letter to Orange inquiring about the company's operations in the occupied territory, and its reference to Western Sahara as Morocco's alleged “southern provinces”. The letter has so far not been responded to. 

Orange and its subsidiary Orange Maroc of Morocco which are not in line with the position of the UN, the EU, the International Court of Justice, the EU court of Justice, the African Court of People's and Human Rights or even the French Government. See for instance this [or download] and this [or download]. In 2017, Orange published a campaign video [or download] that also includes the occupied territory into Morocco.

“Western Sahara Resource Watch is convinced that it is not in the interest of Orange to become associated with the continued colonization and occupation of Western Sahara", WSRW wrote, underlining that “we take note of the fact that Orange correctly calls Russia’s brutal occupation of Ukraine an 'invasion'. Orange does not refer to Ukraine as 'Western provinces of Russia' and should not refer to Western Sahara as part of Morocco. Nor should Orange operate in the territory as if it were."










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Cepsa, Repsol still secretive on controversial oil

The two Spanish companies that are exporting practically all petroleum into occupied Western Sahara remain non-communicative. 

06 May 2024

Fugro is back in occupied Western Sahara

In 2010, the Dutch company Fugro promised to never again undertake operations in occupied Western Sahara. On Christmas Eve 2019, their vessels returned.

24 December 2019

Controversial container route has opened

And another vessel is on its way.

12 September 2019

WSRW asks French ENGIE about business ethics

The French multinational ENGIE operates in occupied Western Sahara. WSRW today wrote the company, asking how they consider the legal-ethical aspects of such operations.

11 January 2019