The vessel Louise Oldendorff arrived at the dock of PCS Nitrogen in New Orleans on January 25th 2008. This is the route it took south of Florida.
Published 10 February 2008

Here is the vessel West Sky caught on camera while loading sand in the occupied Western Sahara.

Published 09 February 2008

The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara has for the fist time discovered that a shipping company registered at the Oslo Stock Exchange is transporting phosphate from Western Sahara. Press release, 6th of February 2008.

Published 08 February 2008
Another investor, Öhman Funds from Sweden, has now divested from the Australian phoshate company Wesfarmers due to its imports of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 31 January 2008

Ali the Camel had no intention of breaking a leg when he turned up at the Capital theatre for Bendigo Bank’s extraordinary general meeting yesterday. Kyneton police reported complaints by motorists concerned for the welfare of the stuffed animal.

Published 30 January 2008
The Western Sahara republic opens new round on February 5th 2008.
Published 26 January 2008

Bendigo Bank, an Australian community bank and was set up to achieve a prosperous, sustainable community, is holding its AGM on Tuesday 29 January in Bendigo. Ali the Camel plans to attend. Press release from Australia Western Sahara Association, 24 January 2008.
Read also: Protests at the Incitec Pivot

Published 24 January 2008
The two Russian vessels that have been observed fishing in occupied Western Sahara belong to Murmansk Trawl Fleet -controlled by the Russian government.
Published 21 January 2008
The Florida based fertilizer producer, Mosaic, received a shipment from occupied Western Sahara on January 11th 2008.
Published 19 January 2008
The 120 meter Russian trawler Kapitan Bogomolov is now fishing in the occupied waters.
Published 19 January 2008
According to BBC, Scottish fishing companies are now entering the waters of occupied Western Sahara, thereby benefiting from the highly controversial EU- Morocco fisheries agreement.
Published 17 January 2008

Photo of the Norwegian-Japanese owned vessel taken in Gibraltar 19 July 2007.

Published 16 January 2008

'Fish, pay and go'. These three words have long been used by green and anti-poverty activists to describe a raft of agreements, signed since 1979, under which European Union vessels scoop up as much fish as they can find from the waters of about 20 poor countries in the wider world. Little, if any, heed has been paid to the damage inflicted on marine ecology or to people living in coastal communities.

Published 15 January 2008

Another Greek bulk vessel is participating in the plundering of stolen phosphates from occupied Western Sahara. Check out these videos made 14 January 2008 in New Zealand.

Published 14 January 2008
On its way from El Aaiun, occupied Western Sahara, to Tauranga, New Zealand.
Published 13 January 2008
Check out the route of the Russian trawler Aleksandr Mironenko -inside occupied waters!
Published 13 January 2008
The US-Canadian fertilizer producer PCS Nitrogen continues its phosphate rock imports from occupied Western Sahara. Before the Christmas holidays it received another big vessel.
Published 03 January 2008
Fertiliser giant Incitec Pivot has been forced to defend its continued sourcing of phosphate rock from a disputed North African territory.
Published 31 December 2008

Check out a unique video of the Moroccan state company OCP carrying out phosphate mining in Western Sahara.

Published 30 December 2007

A company document from 2007 reveals several of the oil firm\'s plans in the occupied territory.

Published 28 December 2007