Photos of phosphate harbour in El Aaiun
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From this port, in El Aaiun, Western Sahara, the international phosphate plundering is taken place.

Published 07 January 2009

Date of photos are unknown. They were found on the homepages of a Moroccan official homepage,, trying to attract foreign investments to Western Sahara, that was occupied in 1975 by Morocco.








These are the clients of Morocco’s phosphate plunder

For the eleventh year in a row, Western Sahara Resource Watch publishes a detailed, annual overview of the companies involved in the purchase of conflict phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.

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Germany thumbs down OCP credit in Western Sahara

Germany's state-owned development bank will not finance projects in Western Sahara.

13 May 2020

What is Continental negotiating with OCP?

As Continental renegotiates its contract with Morocco's national phosphate company, it is still not clear whether the German group intends to limit its operations to Morocco proper or extend them into occupied Western Sahara.

26 March 2020

New report: Western Sahara phosphate trade halved

The export of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara has never been lower than in 2019. This is revealed in the new WSRW report P for Plunder, published today.

24 February 2020