Graphical design – help needed!
WSRW seeks logo for a campaign against the illegal and unethical EU-Moroccan fisheries cooperation. The winner design will be used for an EU-wide campaign and get great exposure! Deadline postponed till 29 August 2009.
Published 13 August 2009

Western Sahara Resource Watch will during the next years work to bring an end to the unethical and illegal fishery in occupied Western Sahara.

The EU harvesting of fish offshore the occupied territories is highly controversial and contributes to legitimising the brutal and illegal occupation of Western Sahara. Cooperation with Morocco in the fishery sector therefore has to be halted. We will work towards this by spreading information to European decision makers, journalists and others. The campaign is about to be launched, and establishing a graphical profile for our work is therefore urgent.

For our international campaign “Fish Elsewhere”, we need the following:
1) A logo
2) A banner to be used as a heading for the international website www.fishelsewhere. eu, which is under construction. The size of the banner should be 990x100 pixels. It must contain the words “Fish Elsewhere! Stop the EU fisheries in occupied Western Sahara”

Additionally, both the logo and the banner should contain the following elements:
1) An illustration of a fish or other elements related to fish or fisheries.
2) The motive should be made in a blue colour, using the same shade of blue as in the EU flag, and possibly other EU-related elements, such as the yellow stars.
3) If possible, it is highly desirable that the logo contains something that reflects the country of Western Sahara (eg. Contours of the map) and/or something reflecting human rights/solidarity/ injustice. It is important, however, that the logo is "clean", with few colours and not too many elements in it.
4) There is a temporary banner on the website today which may or may not be used as an inspiration for the new design.

All work for the campaign – both in our own organization and our international partners, is carried out by unpaid volunteers.

Please note that the contributors or winner of this design competition will not receive any monetary remuneration. However, the makers of winning contribution will be given due credit on the campaign website, get good references, and make friends in all the participating EU countries.

A tentative deadline is set for August 29.

If no solid contribution has been made before this date, the deadline may be extended. The European network of Western Sahara Resource Watch activists will decide on the winner.

The winning contribution will be used freely by all activists and organisations working on to improve the rights for the people of Western Sahara. Naturally, the contribution will not be used for any commercial purposes.

Questions or contributions can be sent to Sara Eyckmans, Western Sahara Resource Watch, at email

Please spread the word to people who may have the interest and skills to help us. Thank you very much for your assistance!

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