Papers on phosphate plunder, Philippe Riché, 2004.

Philippe Riché, of the French Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D in 2004 wrote a series of reports on the phosphate industry and general natural resources in the territory (in French).

Published 25 December 2004

1. L'actualité de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles sahraouies, Janvier 2004, Philippe Riché, Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D., Paris.

2. L'exploitation des ressources du Sahara Occidental par le Maroc : épuisement des céphalopodes, Philippe Riché, Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D., Paris, 02.04.04.

3. Le Maroc ouvre le territoire du Sahara Occidental à l'exploration pétrolière, Philippe Riché, Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D., Paris, juillet 2004.

4. Le Maroc investit dans l'exploitation des richesses du Sahara Occidental. Philippe Riché, Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D., Paris, 15 septembre 2004.

5. Note d'actualité sur l'exploitation, par le Maroc, des ressources naturelles du Sahara Occidental. Philippe Riché, Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D., Paris, 20 novembre 2004.

These are the clients of Morocco’s phosphate plunder

For the eleventh year in a row, Western Sahara Resource Watch publishes a detailed, annual overview of the companies involved in the purchase of conflict phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.

22 May 2024

COWI abandons future projects in Western Sahara

After undertaking work for the Moroccan state phosphate company in Western Sahara, the Danish consultancy giant COWI states that it “will not engage in further projects" in the occupied territory.

11 March 2024

Shipping company responses to the report P for Plunder 2024

The WSRW report P for Plunder 2023 to be published in April 2023 will contain information on all vessels that departed occupied Western Sahara from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

01 March 2024

With Suez closed, Morocco reopens abandoned route

Morocco has for six years avoided directing plunder vessels via South Africa, whose courts have ruled the phosphate plunder of occupied Western Sahara to be illegal. First test is taking place now. 

28 December 2023