
The Moroccan government has today initiated draft regulations aimed at incorporating the waters of Western Sahara into its own territorial waters.

Published 06 July 2017

“We call on the EU to abide by the judgment of its own Supreme Court, and to cease all trade talks regarding Western Sahara with the occupying state, Morocco. As a champion for rule of law and human rights, the EU should respect the rights of the Saharawi people and negotiate trade in goods from Western Sahara with their representatives, the Polisario Front.” 



Published 05 July 2017
The private owned Chinese company China Great United Petroleum (Holding) Limited could be close to taking over controversial rights to onshore oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 02 July 2017

Sand exports from occupied Western Sahara to Spain continue unabated.

Published 30 June 2017
Morocco has started the construction of large solar industry infrastructure in the part of Western Sahara that it is illegally occupying.
Published 30 June 2017
In a statement today, the Saharawi government alerts the shipping industry of the risk involved in taking part of the plunder of Western Sahara.
Published 21 June 2017

The Isle of Man shipping company LT Ugland stated to media today that it will not undertake further shipments from Western Sahara to New Zealand.

Published 20 June 2017

A new report published by WSRW today reveals the names of around 100 shipping companies behind the transport of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara in 2016 and 2017.

Published 16 June 2017
A panel of judges in the High Court in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, judged this morning that the cargo on board the vessel NM Cherry Blossom is rightfully detained, and that a trial to determine its ownership is to take place.
Published 15 June 2017
One of the largest Swedish financial groups today announced they are kicking out four clients of Western Sahara phosphates from its portfolios, including the two leading Canadian importers.
Published 12 June 2017
The Swedish shipping company Wisby Tankers continues its transports of petroleum products into the occupied territory of Western Sahara at same level as earlier, but a new vessel has started on the route.
Published 12 June 2017
The Swedish company Atlas Copco this week amended its statement on the company's involvement in occupied Western Sahara, but it refuses to further clarify its plans.
Published 06 June 2017
The deal on Glencore's departure from the Foum Ognit oil exploration block was signed already in January.
Published 02 June 2017
The New Zealand farmer-owned cooperative Ballance Agri-Nutrients is taking in another dirty cargo of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara while the vessel NM Cherry Blossom is detained by a court in South Africa.
Published 01 June 2017
The UN business ethics body Global Compact has decided to not go further on the case of controversial French-UK-Moroccan company since the UN body's intervention had leaked to media.
Published 30 May 2017

About thirty persons gathered at the docks of Palma de Mallorca to protest the unloading of sand from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 30 May 2017
Today, the EU Commission will answer questions from EU Parliamentarians about its plans to negotiate a trade arrangement for Western Sahara, with Morocco - the country that occupies the territory. Such an agreement is not legal, according to European top court. The Commission’s trade plans are kept away from public scrutiny.
Published 30 May 2017
The Ultra Innovation left the port of Panama City on 21 May, and is currently heading towards Vancouver. The dispute over the ownership of the cargo could still be pending court case.
Published 24 May 2017