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Is it appropriate for the European Commission to change an agreement that is under judicial review?

Published 08 June 2016
It rarely happens that vessels transport phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara to India. However, an 8 million dollar consignment is at present being offloaded in port of Paradip.
Published 03 June 2016
Only three weeks after nearly a third of its shareholders had requested a human rights review of its imports from occupied Western Sahara, the Canadian fertilizer firm PotashCorp is expecting a giant shipment of phosphate rock from the occupied territory.
Published 03 June 2016
Thursday the Danish parliament unanimously passed a motion on Western Sahara that urges Danish companies and the Danish public sector not to trade with Africa’s last colony.
Published 02 June 2016

Yet again, a fishing vessel managed by a Moroccan ex-general is dumping tonnes of fish in occupied Western Sahara. New video reveals the environmental mismanagement.

Published 07 May 2016
Two institutional shareholders of PotashCorp are presenting a proposal before next week's annual meeting of the company. PotashCorp is the world's largest importer of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara.
Published 05 May 2016
After consultation with Morocco, the document that Ban Ki-Moon was drafting has been stripped of all references to UN reports highlighting Saharawi marginalisation.
Published 28 April 2016

The Netherlands, which is against the inclusion of Western Sahara products in EU-Moroccan trade, seems unable to respect the decision from the Court of Justice from December 2015.

Published 28 April 2016
On 10 December 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union annulled the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement in so far as it applies to Western Sahara. The entire text of the judgment is now also available in English.
Published 19 April 2016

Morocco is spending most of the funding it receives as part of the EU-Morocco fish deal building up infrastructure in occupied Western Sahara. And the European Commission is fully aware of this.

Published 19 April 2016

All four members states of the EFTA free trade association - Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein - conclude in the same way as the Court of Justice of the European Union. Goods from Western Sahara cannot be included in free trade agreements with Morocco.

Published 19 April 2016

On 10 December 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union annulled the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement in so far as it applies to Western Sahara. The entire text of the judgment is now also available in English on the website of the Court.

Published 18 April 2016

One of the leaders of the protest movement of unemployed Saharawis, who for months have been targeting their campaigns against Morocco's state owned phosphate company OCP, has died after allegedly being tortured by the Moroccan police.

Published 18 April 2016

Scotland's Cairn Energy states that its joint venture with American firm Kosmos Energy has dropped the oil exploration licence in occupied Western Sahara, but ... that it is now reapplying for part of the very same area.

Published 18 April 2016

Dozens of Saharawis demonstrated in Smara, occupied Western Sahara, against marginalisation in their wealthy homeland. Several are said to be injured.

Published 17 April 2016
Are three Danish municipalities and a Danish importer helping to prop up Africa’s last colonizing power in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara, by buying conflict salt in violation of international law? The Danish NGO Afrika Kontakt investigates the matter.
Published 11 April 2016
The Policy Department of the European Parliament has published a report on the need for a coherent EU policy with regard to the three occupations of Western Sahara, Palestine and Crimea. In all three cases, plunder is illegal, the report states.
Published 11 April 2016

Two Canadian companies, Agrium and PotashCorp, were behind two thirds of all imports of phosphates from occupied Western Sahara last year. WSRW today launched its annual report of the controversial trade in Western Sahara's white gold.

Published 08 April 2016
The US company FMC Corp is said to have sold its 33,3 percent ownership in the Venezuelan company Tripoliven which imports phosphates from Western Sahara.
Published 07 April 2016

The Official Journal of the European Union has published the appeal brought by the EU Council against the Court of Justice of the EU’s decision to annul the EU-Morocco agricultural agreement insofar as it applies in Western Sahara.

Published 02 April 2016