While Morocco is lobbying hard against a proposal to have the UN monitor human rights in Western Sahara, the EU Commissioner for Fisheries states that she is still awaiting Rabat's response to the proposal for including human rights safeguards for the Western Sahara territory in a new EU-Morocco fisheries protocol.
Published 23 April 2013
In a letter 30 March 2013, Frente Polisario called on the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to intervene to stop the Moroccan-French oil exploration offshore occupied Western Sahara.
Published 16 April 2013

The Clean Development Mechanism insists on following normal approval procedures regarding Morocco's for projects in Western Sahara.

Published 12 April 2013
While recommending Ban Ki-Moon for expressing the need for human rights monitoring in Western Sahara, WSRW laments that his report fails to address the full extent of the issue of Morocco's plunder of the territory's natural resources.

Published 12 April 2013
'Saharawi Natural Resources Watch', dedicated to monitor the Moroccan plunder of the occupied parts of Western Sahara, was created in the Saharawi refugee camps in Algeria 9 April 2013.
Published 11 April 2013
....and other questions relating to the Western Sahara operations. Total has just emailed WSRW.
Published 11 April 2013

One of Switzerland’s largest supermarket chains has stated it will replace the ‘Morocco’ labels with ‘Western Sahara’ on melons that are imported from the occupied territory.

Published 09 April 2013
As the US-Canadian company PotashCorp tomorrow receives yet another vessel filled with phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara, WSRW writes the company for the fourth time, requesting answers.
Published 09 April 2013

The underground water reserves of occupied Western Sahara are allegedly being drained by the agricultural industry in the territory.

Published 06 April 2013

The Moroccan Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Youssef Amrani, says that the European Parliament is a “dinosaur” that obstructs efforts to reach a new EU-Morocco fisheries agreement.

Published 05 April 2013

A group representing over 60 MEPs has sent a letter to EU diplomacy chief Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Fisheries Maria Damanaki, requesting them to respect the Saharawi people's wishes and interests when seeking to conclude a new fish deal with Morocco.

Published 19 March 2013
Western Sahara Resource Watch today again asked Total, for the third time, for explanations of their operations in the waters of occupied Western Sahara.
Published 15 March 2013
Morocco and the European Union are to begin talks over a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement in Rabat on 22 April.
Published 14 March 2013

The new Dutch government has reiterated the position of their predecessors: Products from Western Sahara cannot enter the EU market labelled as from Morocco.

Published 13 March 2013

Despite ongoing protest, German multinational Siemens is currently in the process of shipping windmill parts to El Aaiun, occupied Western Sahara. The company is partnering with the same royal family that brutally occupied the territory.

Published 05 March 2013

Chinese company BGP affirms to WSRW undertaking seabed research on behalf of French oil firm Total. This article has been updated: Seismic study to end 30 March 2013.

Published 05 March 2013
"Just announced the launch of negotiations for a free-trade agreement with Morocco,'' European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso tweeted on Friday, after his meeting with Morocco’s prime minister Abdelillah Benkirane. That Free Trade Agreement will have consequences for Western Sahara.
Published 04 March 2013
Money and Western Sahara - the two obstacles that hamper the EU-Morocco negotiations for a new fisheries agreement.
Published 27 February 2013

Read the official text on the action brought by the Frente Polisario against the Council of the European Union, as published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 23 February 2013.

Published 27 February 2013

In a landmark initiative, the liberation movement of Western Sahara has referred an EU-Morocco free trade agreement to the European Court of Justice. The news was three days ago discreetly published in the official EU journal.

Published 27 February 2013