The cement sales of Heidelberg Materials in occupied Western Sahara could have increased by 150% in two years.
Information from the Moroccan government shows that plans are materialising for a new gigantic solar farm in occupied Western Sahara.
The fish stocks of occupied Western Sahara have not only attracted the interest of the Moroccan fleet: other foreign interests are also fishing in the occupied waters through arrangements with Moroccan counterparts. Along the Western Saharan coastline, a processing industry has emerged.
For over 40 years, a Moroccan state-owned company has exported phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara.
… and resumption remains uncertain.
A study shows that Morocco's greatest potential for green hydrogen lies in the territory it holds under military occupation.
The invasion of Ukraine causes a massive increase in Morocco's profits from its illegal plunder of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara. New WSRW report shows that the export volume remained stable throughout 2022.
Morocco has told the UN Human Rights Council that it will not take the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people into account.
A highly self-contradictory statement regarding its conflict windmills in occupied Western Sahara was issued by Siemens Gamesa yesterday.
The Australian fertilizer company first promised to answer questions on the imports of conflict minerals from occupied Western Sahara. Then it went silent.
The Italian company Bedeschi obtained a contract for building infrastructure for export of conflict minerals from occupied Western Sahara.
Here are the owners of Delek Group which is behind the oil search offshore occupied Western Sahara.
The African Development Bank has not funded the construction of a controversial Moroccan energy cable in Western Sahara, even though public tender documents suggested that it would.
The CEO of Siemens Energy denounces the occupation of Ukraine, but does not “have the mandate to take a political position on such issues or to confirm a territorial status” in the occupied territory of Western Sahara where the company operates for the Moroccan government.
The EU Commission has authored a new report detailing how Moroccan settlers benefit from a trade agreement that has been found illegal by the EU Court of Justice multiple times.
The WSRW report P for Plunder 2023 to be published in April 2023 will contain information on all vessels that departed occupied Western Sahara from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
The Israeli company that signed an agreement for hydrocarbon exploration in occupied Western Sahara claims to follow “the laws in force”. But of which country?
The Universities of Kiel and Hamburg have taken part in mapping the seafloor offshore occupied Western Sahara, seemingly without knowing where they carried out the operation.
Contrary to previous promises by UK company Xlinks, Moroccan regional president now says the renewable energy plants that are to supply the UK will be located in occupied Western Sahara.
Without waiting for the final ruling of the EU Court of Justice, the EU Commission has seemingly started preparation for further fisheries in the waters offshore occupied Western Sahara.