
Media clips of the Yara admissions of having imported phosphate from Western Sahara, 2005.

Published 16 December 2005

Statement from the Saharawi governmment

Published 01 November 2005

"Intended Activities by Companies in Western Sahara Against the Express Wish of the Indigenous Saharawi Population". Statement of 12 oct 2005.

Published 12 October 2005

Following six years of negotiations and strained relations, Morocco and the European Union (EU) today finally signed a new but limited fisheries partnership agreement for the next four years. The new deal especially favours the Spanish and Portuguese fleets. Morocco, on the other hand, has used the last six years wisely to build its own modern fisheries industry. Afrol News, 28 July 2005.

Published 28 July 2005

The small Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara has won a great victory: the last Norwegian investor is now selling its stocks in the petroleum company Kerr-McGee. Aftenposten, 30 June 2005.

Published 30 June 2005

On 17 May, Mohamed Khaddad, a senior Polisario diplomat, declared an oil exploration licensing round for the waters offshore the Western Sahara at an oil industry and press gathering in London. Middle East International, 26 May 2006.

Published 26 May 2005

As the European Union (EU) is currently negotiating a new fisheries agreement with the government of Morocco, the exiled government of Western Sahara has voiced its concern over a possible inclusion of fisheries resources from the occupied territory in the deal. The Sahrawis call for "greater transparency and respect for international law" in the ongoing negotiations. Afrol News, 19 May 2005

Published 19 May 2005

Letter from Polisario representative in Europe to EU Fisheries Commissioner, 18 May 2005.

Published 18 May 2005

Oil Companies Very Keen On Western Sahara Despite The Geopolitical Problems., 14 May 2005.

Published 14 May 2005

Newsclips regarding Kerr-McGee's renewal of contract offshore Western Sahara, May 2005.

Published 12 May 2005

International campaign puts pressure on U.S. oil corporation profiting from Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.

Published 03 March 2005

Shareholders focus of campaign to end Kerr-McGee's involvement in Occupied Western Sahara. Press release Feb 28th 2005. Also: letter to KMG shareholders.

Published 28 February 2005

KERR-McGee remains unfazed by the growing row in Norway concerning the legitimacy of exploration activity off Western Sahara, the former Spanish colony under occupation by Moroccan forces. Upstream Online, 14 January 2005.

Published 14 January 2005

Report was published by the "The International Coalition for the Protection of the Natural Resources of Western Sahara" which was the former name of Western Sahara Resource Watch.

Published 13 January 2005

Article in Le Journal Hebdomadaire, 12 January 2005, on US oil company Kerr-McGee.

Published 12 January 2005

Offshore: Thor in Hósvik has ended up in the world spotlight, after it has been known that the company has worked in an area that the whole world is boycotting. The company claims to not have known about the tense situation in the area, and has now no plans to continue in the area. Dimmalaetting (Faeroe Islands), 11 January 2005.

Published 11 January 2005

Philippe Riché, of the French Association des Amis de la R.A.S.D in 2004 wrote a series of reports on the phosphate industry and general natural resources in the territory (in French).

Published 25 December 2004

Kerr-McGee, the only remaining oil company operating on a Moroccan contract in occupied Western Sahara, is under strong pressure to follow three other companies that have left the territory, or face major divestments. The world's biggest public investment fund is believed to be in the process of selling out its shares in Kerr-McGee. Afrol, 24 December 2004.

Published 24 December 2004