News about Cairn Energy

Two of the vessels used by Kosmos Energy for its final exploration programme were last week observed in Dakhla, occupied Western Sahara.
Published 30 June 2014
Kosmos Energy officials are next week to undertake a mission to Western Sahara to meet with pro-Moroccan sham groups in Western Sahara, according to WSRW's sources. The company is ever closer to destroy the future of the Saharawi people.
Published 29 June 2014

The rig ship 'Atwood Achiever', which will drill in occupied Western Sahara in a few months, is soon to travel to the territory. Now it is testing offshore Korea.

Published 29 June 2014

At the Spanish government owned harbour of Las Palmas today, Geo Service 1 is bunkering supplies for the illegal Moroccan oil studies offshore occupied Western Sahara. The studies take place not too far away from Spanish waters.

Published 17 June 2014

A subsidary of the Chinese national oil company CNPC this month started a new study offshore occupied Western Sahara on behalf of Kosmos Energy. "Severely undermining the UN peace efforts for the occupied territory", stated WSRW, condemning the operation.

Published 30 May 2014
Published 24 April 2014
Saharawis have a clear message for the US Oil company Kosmos Energy, that has announced its plans to drill for oil in occupied Western Sahara in October this year.
Published 19 March 2014
A company that installed key equipment of the Atwood Achiever told Norwegian broadcaster today it would never had taken on the assignment had they known the vessel would be used in Western Sahara. It has withdrawn from commitments to deliver service to the rig while in the territory.
Published 17 March 2014

The US company Kosmos Energy is going to drill in Western Sahara for the first time since the Moroccan occupation. In six months time, it might be too late to stop the company.

Published 10 March 2014
WSRW has asked Cairn Energy to reconsider its involvement in occupied Western Sahara. Through its partnership with American oil firm Kosmos Energy, Cairn will take part in further exploration works in the territory, including exploratory drilling.
Published 21 February 2014
The Saharawi government has today issued a press release on the plans of petroleum firms Cairn Energy PLC and Kosmos Energy LLC for exploratory drilling in the waters of occupied Western Sahara in 2014. Read their statement here.
Published 20 November 2013

Dutch seismic services firm Fugro NV, and its Norwegian subsidiary Fugro-Geoteam, state they do not want to undertake any more assignments in Western Sahara under the current political situation in the country.

Published 06 May 2010