
Both the FAO and OIE have denied funding or even taking part in ISOCARD's 2018 conference, scheduled to take place in El Aaiun, occupied Western Sahara, in November this year.

Published 12 April 2018

A case study on Morocco's policy reforms regarding renewable energy by a UN agency completely ignores the fact that a significant share of Morocco's planned production will come from occupied Western Sahara, as it fails to even distinguish between the two territories.

Published 10 April 2018

Under a proposed agreement between EU and Morocco on so-called 'Geographical Indications', camel milk and camel cheese from occupied Western Sahara could receive protection as a Moroccan product.

Published 27 March 2018

The EU Commission proposes to amend the EU-Morocco Fisheries Protocol ... but still wishes to apply it to the waters of Western Sahara, in spite of two EU Court judgments invalidating such practice.

Published 21 March 2018

WSRW has today sent a letter to OPEC, asking the organisation to clarify its position on Western Sahara following its press release on the controversial Crans Montana Forum conference which OPEC claims takes place in "Dakhla, Morocco".

Published 20 March 2018
EuroChem's reply of 23 March 2017 to WSRW's enquiry into its import of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara in October 2016, despite earlier statements that it would halt all further imports.
Published 16 March 2018

Kosmos Energy has decided to keep their website defending Western Sahara oil search - even after they have left the territory.

Published 06 March 2018

The German multinational cement giant HeidelbergCement owns a cement factory in Western Sahara. WSRW enquires about who gave the company permission to operate in the occupied territory.

Published 02 March 2018

The US company Innophos admits in its latest annual report to be purchasing the conflict mineral through PotashCorp.

Published 01 March 2018

Golden Ocean regrets shipment of phosphates from Western Sahara and changes future contracts to avoid new transports from the occupied territory.

Published 28 February 2018

The Government of South African today issued a strong statement of support for International Humanitarian Law in Western Sahara during a meeting in Geneva today.

Published 28 February 2018

At 11:45 today, Saharawi refugees are celebrating that the Court of Justice has ruled that EU cannot continue fishing offshore Western Sahara in partnership with the country that occupied their homeland. 

Published 27 February 2018

In a joint statement today, Brussels and Rabat declare that the EU will help Morocco's fisheries sector, a business that primarily takes place in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 27 February 2018

The national liberation movement of Western Sahara welcomes the judgment of the EU Court of Justice and is ready to engage in direct negotiations with the EU Commission to set up a legally solid framework for European interests and companies active in Western Sahara.

Published 27 February 2018

The EU Court this morning issued a ruling stating that the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement is only valid if it does not apply to the waters of Western Sahara.

Published 27 February 2018

The leading Parliamentary Committee sets consent of the Saharawi people as a condition for endorsing the Western Sahara trade deal that the Commission is presently negotiating with Morocco.

Read also: WSRW demands Commission for answers regarding fake consultation in Western Sahara

Published 27 February 2018
On 20 February, the EU Commission briefed the Parliament on the negotiations with Morocco to secure Western Sahara trade flows, and the EU External Action Service (EEAS) provided an update on a so-called consultation process. But why is there a consultation process? And with who is the EEAS talking?
Published 27 February 2018

The European Parliament has voted to rein in toxic fertilizers that are high in carcinogene heavy metals. Morocco stands to lose a major market for its high in cadmium fertilizer products, which it exports also from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 23 February 2018

The High Court of South Africa today confirmed that the owner of the cargo of phosphate rock aboard the detained vessel, NM Cherry Blossom, is the Saharawi Government, and not Morocco's state-owned phosphate company which was not entitled to sell the commodity. Major victory for the Saharawis in an African Court.

Published 23 February 2018
The company which certified a Moroccan energy project in occupied Western Sahara has rectified a report it submitted to UN Global Compact in which it erroneously claimed that the UN body had approved of its operation.
Published 21 February 2018

The European Commission will today brief the Parliament's International Trade Committee. The Western Sahara intergroup of the Parliament expressed today its deep concern of the Commission's approach.

Published 20 February 2018
All EU Member States agreed to grant the EU Commission a mandate to open negotiations with Morocco for a change to the protocols to the EU-Morocco Association Agreement, allowing for trade with Western Sahara to continue within that framework. This came on the back of a ruling by the EU Court of Justice in December 2016, concluding that no EU-Morocco trade or association deal could be applied to Western Sahara unless with the explicit consent of the people of the territory.

Sweden was the only EU Member State to issue a critical statement with regard to the granting of the negotiation mandate. Read that statement below.
Published 16 February 2018

"Sweden considers that the proposed mandate does not meet the requirements of international law", the official government statement reads.

Published 15 February 2018

Is Kosmos Energy undertaking a last survey on the Boujdour Maritime licence before it waves goodbye to occupied Western Sahara? Or has an unknown company taken over the licence? Last week, seabed petroleum surveys started at the place where Kosmos drilled in 2014.

Published 08 February 2018

17 years of US private company engagement in exploring the oil potential of Western Sahara has come to an end.

Published 07 February 2018

The EU's foreign affairs department has invited WSRW to take part in a consultation process regarding EU-Morocco trade talks covering Western Sahara. Though in principle always open to dialogue, WSRW had to decline.

Published 07 February 2018

The European Commission has failed to obtain consent from the Saharawi representatives before deciding to include Western Sahara in trade deal with Morocco. In a statement today, 89 organisations in and from Western Sahara condemn the EU Commission for its sham consultations.

Published 03 February 2018

Why did you not seek permission from my people?, a Saharawi refugee asked at Siemens AGM. Company fails to answer questions why it operates on occupied land.

Published 02 February 2018

The European Commission and Morocco yesterday initialed an agreement covering trade in goods originating in Western Sahara without the consent of the people from the territory, contrary to the orders of the EU Court of Justice.

Published 01 February 2018

The national liberation movement of Western Sahara threatens to claim 240 million Euro in compensation of the EU's illegal fisheries in occupied Western Sahara and sends a warning to importers of goods from the territory to halt their imports.

Published 31 January 2018

The company that certified energy infrastructure in occupied Western Sahara, claims that a UN body had found the company not to breach human rights.

Published 31 January 2018

Canadian company Nutrien announced last week that its multi-million dollar imports of conflict minerals to Vancouver is stopping. Nutrien is now reconsidering what to do with its "PotashCorp" imports to the US.

Published 29 January 2018

Two important members of the S&D group in the European Parliament this week expressed strong criticism of the Commission’s approach to EU-Morocco trade negotiations in relation to Western Sahara. This might reflect a significant shift ongoing in positions in the Europarliament.

Published 27 January 2018

The final assets that Glencore held in oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara have been sold.

Published 23 January 2018

The German government has clarified that no export credit guarantees can be given to projects in Western Sahara.

Published 22 January 2018

The Danish government has started arguing for its own fishing interests in occupied Western Sahara and challenges the recent developments in the Court of Justice of the EU. A request to continue EU fisheries in Western Sahara was issued to Danish legislators just one day after the EU Court's General Advocate found that practice invalid.

Published 15 January 2018
An official of the Western Sahara liberation movement Frente Polisario expresses satisfaction of the opinion issued today by the top lawyer in the Court of Justice of European Union.
Published 10 January 2018

In an opinion issued this morning, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU stated that the EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement is invalid because it applies to Western Sahara waters. Judgement expected in a few months. 

Read reaction from Frente Polisario on the opinion.

Published 10 January 2018

Not awaiting the EU Court of Justice's verdict on the legality of the current fisheries protocol with Morocco over the inclusion of Western Sahara's waters, the EU Commission is already thinking out loud about its successor.

Published 08 January 2018

A new Canadian company accounts for half the purchases of conflict minerals from occupied Western Sahara. WSRW calls on investors to immediately blacklist the new company for breach of basic ethics.

Published 07 January 2018

While the highest Court of the EU has stipulated that no trade arrangement with Morocco can be applied to Western Sahara, the EU Commission this month visited the occupied territory to update the list of companies authorised to export their products to the EU.

Published 20 December 2017

WSRW has again asked Siemens to clarify how they’ve obtained the consent of the people of Western Sahara to their involvement in literally all of Morocco’s wind power plans in the occupied territory.

Published 07 December 2017