Lors d'une audition au Parlement Européen hier, les parlementaires ont exprimé des opinions divergentes sur le devoir de respect ou non de la décision de la Cour européenne de justice.
Photo d'archive : une réfugiée sahraouie protestant contre les activités de pêche de l'UE au Sahara Occidental.
Après l'audition lundi lors de la commission du commerce international (INTA) du Parlement Européen, la décision de la Cour Européenne annulant à la fois l'accord commercial UE-Maroc et l'accord de pêche a été débattue aujourd'hui par la commission pêche du Parlement (PECH).
Comme leurs collègues de l'INTA, les membres de PECH souhaitent des éclaircissements de la part du Conseil et de la Commission de l'UE sur la voie à suivre.
Les discussions ont révélé des opinions sensiblement divergentes sur la question des accords de l'UE concernant le Sahara Occidental occupé. La Commission a exprimé son désaccord avec la décision de la Cour, affirmant que les « populations locales (sic) » bénéficient des accords UE-Maroc. Que tous les groupes sahraouis défendant le droit à l'autodétermination se sont opposés aux accords - y compris le représentant des Sahraouis à l'ONU, le Front Polisario n’est pas mentionné.
Les membres du Parlement Européen étaient divisés, pour certains le moment était venu d'avancer et d'accepter la perte juridique, alors que d'autres ont souligné que la relation politique avec le Maroc est plus importante que le développement juridique.
Alors qu'un représentant du Conseil de l'UE était présent à la réunion, il n'était pas autorisé à prendre la parole - au grand désarroi du président de la commission de la pêche, Pierre Karleskind (Renew, France). Le département des pêches maritimes de la Commission européenne (DG MARE) était représenté par Veronika Veits, directrice de la gouvernance internationale des océans et de la pêche durable.
Mme Veits a souligné l'importance du Maroc en tant que partenaire clé de l'UE sur de nombreux fronts, et que l'Accord de partenariat pour une pêche durable doit être considéré dans ce contexte. Elle a défendu la pratique actuelle, déclarant que "l'Accord de partenariat pour une pêche durable est essentiel à la fois pour le Maroc et pour l'Union européenne, compte tenu également du fait qu'il présente de nombreux avantages économiques, sociaux et politiques". "L'accord tient pleinement compte de l'arrêt de la Cour Européenne de justice de février 2018" et "il n'y a rien dans l'accord de pêche ou son protocole qui impliquerait la reconnaissance de la souveraineté ou des droits souverains du Maroc sur le Sahara Occidental et les eaux adjacentes."
Une transcription complète (en anglais) de la déclaration de Mme Veits à la commission de la pêche du PE est incluse ci-dessous.
Plusieurs député·e·s européen·ne·s intervenant·e·s - tous originaires d'États membres disposant de licences de pêche dans l'accord - ont appelé le Conseil à faire appel, tandis que d'autres ont souligné que le temps pourrait être mieux utilisé pour se conformer à la décision.
EU Commission’s Department for Maritime Fisheries (DG MARE), Director for International Ocean Governance and Sustainable Fisheries, Ms Veronika Veits:
Opening statement:
“Thank you very much indeed, Mr Chairman, there seems to be a bit of a marathon in the Fisheries Committee. The General Court annulled the Council Decision on the Conclusion of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Morocco, its implementing Protocol and the Exchange of Letters accompanying the Agreement, as well as the Council Decision on the Allocation of Fishing Opportunities. It also annulled the Agreement between the European Union and Morocco granting tariff preferences to products of Moroccan origin in order to extent the preferences to products originating in Western Sahara. But obviously I will focus here on the fisheries agreement since the other agreement has been subject to discussion in INTA and Com Maghreb.
What’s important to understand is that the General Court decided that the effects of those annulment decisions are maintained over – of those decisions that are being annulled are maintained over a certain period. So they are maintained either for the time that is allowed for making an appeal, so that’s two months, or in case an appeal is lodged until the time the Court takes the judgment on the appeal. And this they did in order to preserve the European Union’s external action and legal certainty over its international commitment. So that’s what we have in front of us.
Let me talk a little bit about our Partnership Agreement with Morocco, and I would like to recall in this context that Morocco is a key partner for the European Union in many fronts, and not only in fisheries. So the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Morocco needs to be seen in this wider perspective. It needs also to be recalled that our cooperation with Morocco in fisheries has a long history and as a result we have now a robust cooperation beyond the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement, multilaterally e.g. in important regional fisheries management organisations such as the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean or the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, and we have also a very good cooperation in the context of Sustainable Blue Economy.
So the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement is key for both Morocco and the European Union, also in light of the fact that it has lots of economic, social and political benefits. It’s clearly benefitting the marine environment, the biodiversity and brings social-economic benefits to the population. More specifically, it gives access to around 130 vessels flying the flag of 10 Member States. It contributes to scientific research, the modernisation of coastal infrastructures, and the economic and social development of coastal communities in Morocco and in the Western Sahara.
So, the current sustainable fisheries partnership agreement is the result of long negotiations. It entered into force on the 18th of July 2019, following the consent given by the European Parliament on the 12th,of February 2019 and the Council Decision of the 4th of March 2019 on the conclusion of the Agreement. The current Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement fully takes into account the ruling of the European Court of Justice of February 2018. What had that ruling said? In 2018, the European Court of Justice had ruled that the previous Agreement from 2007 and its Protocol of Implementation were not applicable to the waters off the coast of the territory of Western Sahara. The new Agreement, the currently applicable Agreement, spells out explicitly the fishing grounds to which it applies, and this includes the waters off the coast of Western Sahara. The exchange of letters which is an integral part of the current Agreement, states each party’s respective position on the status of the territory of the Western Sahara, and there is nothing in the Fisheries Agreement or its Protocol which would imply the recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty or sovereign rights over Western Sahara and the adjacent waters.
Importantly also in this context, the Agreement and its Protocol include provisions ensuring the fair distribution of the financial compensation amongst the population concerned. This means that this contribution benefits Western Sahara in proportion of the fishing activity that is taking place in the waters of this territory. Since the Agreement entered into force, it has been implemented smoothly, benefitting the EU fishing operations and the concerned population. In December 2020 after the first year of implementation, the joint committee under the current agreement assessed positively the fair geographical and social distribution of the socio-economic impacts of the Agreement’s financial contribution. Please be aware in this context that the conclusions from joint committee in question were sent to the European Parliament on the 4th of January this year.
So, the latest judgment of the General Court of the 29th of September 2021, is a judgment on the Agreement of fisheries and tariff preferences with Morocco, as I said. So, in essence, what does it say? The General Court ruled that the extension of the Agreement with Morocco to the territory of Western Sahara requires the consent of the population concerned. So that’s the essence of the judgment. And the Polisario Front, which the General Court considers to be the legitimate representative of the Western Sahara people did not express its consent to the proposed Agreements, and it is for that reason that the General Court concluded that the condition for an extension of the agreement to the Western Sahara was not fulfilled. So in conclusion, the judgment annulled the two Council Decisions, and as I said before, it maintains the application for the period during which an appeal could be lodged, or if an appeal is lodged, until the judgment of the Court of Justice upon such appeal. And this is to avoid the serious consequences of an annulment with immediate effect. The deadline for the introduction of an appeal expires on the 16th December. If an appeal is lodged, these effects would stand for the duration of the examination by the European Court of Justice, which usually takes around 2 years.
Should an appeal not be lodged, the immediate consequence would be that the European Union fleet would not be able to continue fishing in the waters that the Agreement covers as from mid-December, with consequences also on the financial obligations on our side as well as on the ongoing projects on the sectoral support.
I would like to stress here that the case was brought against the Council Decision. This means that it is primarily up to the Council to decide whether to lodge an appeal or not. And the Council is currently examining this option. But let me reassure you that also the Commission is carefully assessing all the elements of the judgment and exploring all the options for the way forward. We will also in the meantime continue the work on the correct application of the current agreement. For instance, we are scheduling a joint committee to take place before the end of 2021, in order to monitor and to take stock of the utilisation of the fishing opportunities and to assess the impact of the financial compensation. So in a nutshell, that is the factual situation which we are facing at the moment. Thank you very much.”
La multinationale française ne répondra pas aux questions sur sa participation potentielle dans un projet d'énergie éolienne au Sahara Occidental occupé en partenariat avec le Premier ministre marocain.
La Cour de justice de l'UE a rejeté la demande de la Commission Européenne de rectifier des paragraphes spécifiques de ses arrêts de 2024. Cette dernière se demandait si la majorité de la population du Sahara Occidental vit en dehors du territoire.
C'est aujourd'hui le 20e anniversaire de Western Sahara Resource Watch.
Dans une note juridique, le Conseil de l’UE admet que la plus haute juridiction de l’UE a définitivement annulé les accords de commerce et de pêche UE-Maroc tels qu’ils s’appliquaient au Sahara Occidental, marquant une victoire claire pour la lutte du peuple sahraoui pour l’autodétermination.