News about Boujdour Maritime
Following Cairn Energy's departure from Western Sahara, it has toned down the pro-Moroccan statements that it used to reproduce.
Published 23 July 2018

Kosmos Energy has decided to keep their website defending Western Sahara oil search - even after they have left the territory.

Published 06 March 2018

Is Kosmos Energy undertaking a last survey on the Boujdour Maritime licence before it waves goodbye to occupied Western Sahara? Or has an unknown company taken over the licence? Last week, seabed petroleum surveys started at the place where Kosmos drilled in 2014.

Published 08 February 2018

17 years of US private company engagement in exploring the oil potential of Western Sahara has come to an end.

Published 07 February 2018

Over the past 24 hours, WSRW has observed a resumed seabed exploration north of Dakhla, in the block operated by American oil company Kosmos Energy in collaboration with Scotland's Cairn Energy.

Published 26 October 2017
The seismic study programme of Kosmos Energy and Cairn Energy offshore occupied Western Sahara ended on 12 April.
Published 15 April 2017
The national liberation movement of Western Sahara has sent a protest letter to the Texas based company Kosmos Energy, that explores for oil offshore the waters of occupied Western Sahara for the Moroccan government.
Published 31 March 2017

Kosmos and Cairn Energy are exploring for oil offshore Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco. This photo taken yesterday shows one of their supply vessels.

Published 28 March 2017
Kosmos Energy and Cairn Energy have over the last weeks undertaken another round of seismic studies offshore Western Sahara. The vessels' movements indicate the location for a new possible drilling site.
Published 23 March 2017
The US oil company Kosmos Energy, operating offshore occupied Western Sahara, is requested by an OECD national contact point to "refrain from positioning interpretations as facts". The company refuses to remove lies about a civil society association from its website and refuse to answer questions from WSRW.
Published 25 December 2016

Kosmos and Cairn have renewed their licence - but did San Leon Energy abandon one of its licences? A new map from ONHYM suggests changes to the highly controversial oil exploration in the occupied territory.

Published 31 July 2016
Kosmos gives geopolitical arguments to operate in occupied Western Sahara, while Cairn Energy refuses to answer why it operates in what they call "Morocco". WSRW has sought clarifications from the duo.
Published 18 July 2016
Norway's sovereign wealth fund has today announced it has excluded Kosmos Energy and Cairn Energy from its portfolios because of their oil search in Western Sahara. Approx. 54 million dollars of shares were sold.
Published 28 June 2016

Cairn Energy consistently includes occupied Western Sahara as part of Morocco.

Published 23 June 2016

Scotland's Cairn Energy states that its joint venture with American firm Kosmos Energy has dropped the oil exploration licence in occupied Western Sahara, but ... that it is now reapplying for part of the very same area.

Published 18 April 2016

"A hostile act likely to perpetuate the conflict and colonialism in Western Sahara". The Peace and Security Council of the African Union reiterates its position on the illegal exploitaiton of Western Sahara's natural resources.

Published 18 February 2016
The Luxembourg government fund has blacklisted the American oil company Kosmos Energy and its Scottish partner Cairn Energy due to "association to illegal exploitation of natural resources (Western Sahara)".
Published 22 January 2016

"No oil drilling should take place in the territory until the Saharawis have had the chance to exercise their right to self-determination and have freely and fairly decided the political status of their homeland", the appeal to the Security Council writes. Read the full letter, and list of signatures, here.

Published 15 April 2015
Cairn Energy launched today its annual report showing total failure to understand the background of the occupied territory in which it holds interest. Former UN Legal Counsel has already slammed the operation they carry out to be in violation of international law.
Published 27 March 2015
So far, over 100 organisations worldwide have endorsed our open letter calling on the UN Security Council to condemn Morocco's oil development in Western Sahara. Has your organisation signed up yet? Join us here!
Published 23 March 2015

Any further oil exploration in Western Sahara is illegal unless the Saharawis want it themselves, according to the UN. The companies involved do not care. 

Published 14 March 2015
Kosmos Energy today announced that it had “encountered hydrocarbons” offshore occupied Western Sahara, though not in commercial quantities. Nevertheless, the find appears to be sufficient to proceed with a second drilling later on. WSRW condemns the drilling.
Published 02 March 2015

No oil exploration can take place in Western Sahara unless people consent to it. Today Kosmos announced will to continue searching in Western Sahara despite condemnations from the people of the territory See Saharawis mobilise.

Published 02 March 2015
Misleads by misrepresenting international law. Check out the company's Western Sahara manipulation here.
Published 26 February 2015

Former UN Legal Counsel Hans Corell urges in an article yesterday the EU to revise its Fisheries Partnership Agreement due to the Moroccan King's recent statement on Western Sahara. He also states that the oil exploration is in violation of the legal opinion he wrote for the UN Security Council.

Published 24 February 2015
Kosmos Energy today announced that it is expecting the first results from its controversial drilling in occupied Western Sahara sooner than anticipated: in early March.
Published 23 February 2015
“I have seen that they [Kosmos executives] think their actions are in conformity with my legal opinion, and my determined opinion is that they are not”, says Ambassador Hans Corell, author of the UN Legal Opinion on oil exploration and exploitation in Western Sahara.
Published 13 January 2015

On 19 December 2014 , the American oil company Kosmos Energy began to drill for oil in occupied Western Sahara, through an illegal deal with the occupying regime, Morocco. "The company is adding fuel to the fire", stated WSRW.

Published 12 January 2015
Australian investment fund Havoc Partners has signed a 50% operating stake in four oil blocks in occupied Western Sahara with the territory's government in exile. One of those blocks contains the Gargaa site, where American oil firm Kosmos Energy will soon start to drill in collaboration with the Moroccan government.
Published 17 December 2014

The drillship Atwood Achiever - which is to undertake drilling in waters of occupied Western Sahara - is no longer in Las Palmas and has vanished into thin air.

Published 17 December 2014

The drillship 'Atwood Achiever' has today entered the port of Las Palmas, Canary Islands. There it will do its final adjustments before starting the drilling in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 16 December 2014

The oil platform ‘Atwood Achiever' late last night entered the waters of occupied Western Sahara. “Kosmos Energy is to undertake the first drilling in Western Sahara ever. It is hard to imagine a more brutally unethical oil drilling, anywhere in the world”, WSRW states.

Published 14 December 2014
According to latest available sources, Kosmos and Cairn still plan to initiate its controversial drilling in occupied Western Sahara before the end of the year.
Published 02 December 2014
The oil platform Atwood Achiever has still not left Senegalese waters on its way to occupied Western Sahara.
Published 21 November 2014

A group of women this week protested the drilling plans of Kosmos Energy in occupied Western Sahara. Their leader is serving lifetime in Moroccan jail for such protest.

Published 19 November 2014

The oil plattform 'Atwood Achiever' could arrive occupied Western Sahara Friday 15 November. There it will do the first drilling in occupied territory, ever.

Published 12 November 2014

A demonstration against the Scottish company Cairn Energy took place yesterday in front of its offices in Stavanger, Norway.

Published 06 November 2014

The 21 Saharawi political prisoners that are still imprisoned on the back of the Gdeim Izik mass protest camp, have today appealed to the church communities in Texas to denounce Kosmos Energy's plans in occupied Western Sahara. Read their full letter here.

Published 06 November 2014
The controversial company Kosmos Energy, which is intending to drill in occupied Western Sahara on a licence granted by the occupying power of Morocco, might open a supply base in Las Palmas. First results of the illegal drilling to be announced within next 6 months.
Published 05 November 2014

These videos are free of use. No credit needed.

Published 04 November 2014
"The conversation with groups that are talking about self-determination and independence really isn't a conversation for Kosmos to be involved in", states Kosmos Energy to BBC. Former UN Legal Counsel calls Kosmos operations in violation of international law.
Published 31 October 2014
The US oil company Kosmos Energy and the Scottish company Cairn Energy will drill for oil offshore Western Sahara. It is clearly in violation of international law, according to the UN - and it destroys the UN peace efforts. Here is what you need to know.
Published 30 October 2014
The Canary Islands are opening their eyes to the dangers of Morocco’s illegal oil programme in Western Sahara. The currents would take any spill right onto shores of the tourist magnet.
Published 27 October 2014

The Atwood Achiever, the oil rig charted by Kosmos Energy at a rate of over US $ 500,000 per day, arrived yesterday noon in the harbour of Walvis Bay, Namibia. It did it last bunkering before arriving in the occupied territory.

Published 27 October 2014

Kosmos Energy claims its oil exploration is in accordance with the 2002 UN Legal Opinion. If the company has failed to seek the consent of the Saharawi people, that it would not be the case, according to the author of that opinion, quoted by UN info centre today.

Published 24 October 2014
The Atwood Achiever, the drill ship that has been commissioned by Kosmos Energy, has been spotted this morning off the coast of South Africa, just south of Cape Town.
Published 23 October 2014

14 October, women in El Aaiun, Western Sahara took to the streets to protest the upcoming drilling of Kosmos Energy in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 18 October 2014

Western Sahara Resource Watch has today launched a report on Kosmos Energy’s unscrupulous plans for test well drilling in occupied Western Sahara. In a few weeks time, the company may permanently damage the Saharawi people's aspirations and rights to freedom and independence, as it commences unethical and illegal oil drilling in Africa's last colony.

Published 16 October 2014
In a letter sent to Kosmos Energy today, the biggest Saharawi organisations from the occupied territory of Western Sahara forcefully condemn the company's plans to drill for oil in their country. Read their letter here.
Published 15 October 2014

The vessel 'Atwood Achiever' which will drill in occupied Western Sahara is getting closer. After some ten days under the radar, crossing the Indian Ocean, the vessel has now appeared off the coast of Madagascar.

Published 14 October 2014