News about Tarfaya Onshore

The Canadian company Wolverine last month completed the take-over of Petromaroc, the small company with interest on the Zag block in occupied Western Sahara

Published 23 January 2019

Changes could soon take place in the ownership of a controversial oil block in occupied Western Sahara. New player: Wolverine Energy and Infrastructure from Canada.

Published 30 November 2018

The Irish organisation GLAN today filed a complaint against the Irish/UK oil company San Leon Energy for violating the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Published 24 October 2018
The private owned Chinese company China Great United Petroleum (Holding) Limited could be close to taking over controversial rights to onshore oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara.
Published 02 July 2017

Irish/UK oil company San Leon Energy's work in occupied Western Sahara is delayed, and the company claims to the Moroccan government that it is due to "regional security situation".

Published 26 April 2017

Irish oil company San Leon confirms that an unknown Chinese investor is sniffing on a majority stake in the company. San Leon is looking for oil in occupied Western Sahara, in violation of international law.

Published 04 January 2017

The oil block named "Tarfaya Onshore", overlapping the border between Morocco and the occupied territory of Western Sahara, in still unresolved, a newly published oil map reveals.

Published 15 November 2016

San Leon Energy's controversial oil programme in occupied Western Sahara might continue with more drilling, according to company.

Published 22 September 2016

The San Leon Energy/PetroMaroc study at the Zag block in occupied Western Sahara is delayed and the partners are penalized by Moroccan authorities. PetroMaroc's future is hanging by a thread.

Published 18 August 2016

Kosmos and Cairn have renewed their licence - but did San Leon Energy abandon one of its licences? A new map from ONHYM suggests changes to the highly controversial oil exploration in the occupied territory.

Published 31 July 2016

Today, the Norwegian government pension fund excluded San Leon Energy Plc from its investment portfolios.

Published 04 March 2016

Massive numbers of Saharawi refugees gathered last weekend to send a clear message to Irish oil company San Leon Energy which is looking for oil in their occupied homeland: "San Leon: go home". Find high resolution footage of the protest, free of charge.

Published 15 October 2015
Irish oil company San Leon Energy's exploratory drilling operation in occupied Western Sahara revealed the presence of gas, but thus far not of petroleum. The company will apply for a new licence with the Moroccan government and announces further seismic surveys to explore the potential petroleum reservoirs.
Published 01 October 2015

WSRW has received footage of the drilling operation to take place in the territory under Moroccan occupation.

Published 09 September 2015

Amid Saharawi protests, San Leon Energy has begun to drill an onshore well in occupied Western Sahara on 21 August.

Published 31 August 2015

Saharawis in the occupied parts of Western Sahara continue to speak out against Irish/UK company San Leon Energy's plans to drill for oil in their homeland. "Stop supporting brutal occupation of Western Sahara", they say.

Published 12 August 2015

These videos of Saharawis denouncing the Irish/UK oil company's plans on the land they inhabit were shot last week. The persons live in occupied Western Sahara, exactly on the block where San Leon's drilling will take place in August, in violation of international law.
Published 27 July 2015
San Leon Energy "has the long-term interest of Morocco in mind", company chairman Oisin Fanning stated to Irish media today. The company plans drilling in the territory under illegal Moroccan occupation.
Published 23 July 2015
“We urgently request that the Secretary-General condemn these activities, which are in clear violation of international law", the President of the Western Sahara Republic wrote in a letter to Ban Ki-Moon.
Published 20 July 2015