News about Vinci

The African Development Bank has not funded the construction of a controversial Moroccan energy cable in Western Sahara, even though public tender documents suggested that it would.

Published 09 February 2023

A subsidiary of French multinational VINCI SA will carry out a project that is essential to connecting the controversial energy projects of occupied Western Sahara to Morocco's national electricity grid.

Published 27 May 2021

San Leon Energy's controversial oil programme in occupied Western Sahara might continue with more drilling, according to company.

Published 22 September 2016

Amid Saharawi protests, San Leon Energy has begun to drill an onshore well in occupied Western Sahara on 21 August.

Published 31 August 2015

Saharawis in the occupied parts of Western Sahara continue to speak out against Irish/UK company San Leon Energy's plans to drill for oil in their homeland. "Stop supporting brutal occupation of Western Sahara", they say.

Published 12 August 2015

The UK/Irish company San Leon is planning to drill in Western Sahara in a few weeks from now, even though UN says further exploration is illegal. WSRW condemns the plans. 
Read also: Western Sahara is part of Morocco, San Leon states before drilling

Published 13 July 2015