
The French company Engie has since 2023 been installing windmills in occupied Western Sahara for a massive project that would lead to the large-scale settlement of Moroccan farmers in the occupied territory. 

Published 03 July 2024

For the eleventh year in a row, Western Sahara Resource Watch publishes a detailed, annual overview of the companies involved in the purchase of conflict phosphates from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 22 May 2024

For the first time, Portugal is the biggest exporter of gas products into occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 15 May 2024

The French government intends to finance a cable that will transport energy from Morocco's illegal projects in occupied Western Sahara to Morocco proper.

Published 07 May 2024

The following overview enlists stock-exchange registered companies currently operating in Western Sahara. Updated 6 May 2024.

Published 06 May 2024

The two Spanish companies that are exporting practically all petroleum into occupied Western Sahara remain non-communicative. 

Published 06 May 2024

How can it be wrong to develop renewable energy, in a world that is in desperate need for a green transition? In Western Sahara, the problems are numerous.

Published 22 April 2024

The Advocate General of the EU’s top Court backs the legal status of the people of Western Sahara. Final Judgment expected in a few months. 

Published 21 March 2024

Labelling those products as originating in the Kingdom of Morocco instead of originating in Western Sahara breaches EU law, the Advocate General of the EU Court of Justice concludes.

Published 21 March 2024

After undertaking work for the Moroccan state phosphate company in Western Sahara, the Danish consultancy giant COWI states that it “will not engage in further projects" in the occupied territory.

Published 11 March 2024

An external evaluation report on the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement 2019-2023 confirms that the agreement revolves, in its entirety, around Western Sahara.

Published 08 March 2024

At the company’s Annual General Meeting on 26 February 2024, Siemens Energy’s board could not rule out any further projects in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 06 March 2024

The WSRW report P for Plunder 2023 to be published in April 2023 will contain information on all vessels that departed occupied Western Sahara from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Published 01 March 2024

A subsidiary of US company General Electric is partnering with the government of Morocco for an infrastructure project in the illegally occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 15 February 2024

WSRW has never received a response that politically propagated the occupation to the degree as the one received from a French campaigner for Morocco on behalf of renewable energy company HDF Energy. 

Published 09 February 2024

WSRW has been invited to contribute to an EU Commission document on trade with Moroccan interests in occupied Western Sahara. This is why we reject taking part. 

Published 19 January 2024

Half of Moroccan shellfish exporters approved for export into the EU, are in fact located in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 10 January 2024

Morocco has for six years avoided directing plunder vessels via South Africa, whose courts have ruled the phosphate plunder of occupied Western Sahara to be illegal. First test is taking place now. 

Published 28 December 2023

The Erasmus+ financed youth exchange that was supposed to take place in Dakhla, occupied Western Sahara, has reportedly been moved.

Published 21 December 2023

The Norwegian government pension fund has announced that it has excluded Delek Group from its portfolio due to its petroleum exploration offshore occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 19 December 2023

A project supported by the EU Commission's Erasmus+ programme is to send European youth to “North Africa” - but without informing them that they are lured into normalising the illegal occupation of Western Sahara.

Published 15 December 2023

Saharawi civil society voices concern over Morocco's gigaplans for renewable energy in occupied Western Sahara during COP28 climate summit and to UN special rapporteur. 

Published 12 December 2023

As leaders, businesses and civil society from all over the world gather for climate talks in Dubai, one people remains basically unrepresented.

Published 09 December 2023

The German government has clarified that its financial support for Siemens Energy will include a provision excluding the firm’s projects in “Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara”.

Published 06 December 2023

French HDF Energy announces its partnership in gigantic green hydrogen production project in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 30 November 2023

Companies that want to be perceived as taking human rights responsibly, should not bid on a large tender that will connect Morocco's illegal energy production in Western Sahara to the Moroccan grid, WSRW warns.

Published 28 November 2023

Morocco must immediately release a group of leading human rights defenders, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention demands.  

Published 27 November 2023

Up to 81% of all land that the Moroccan government has allocated for new, gigantic plans for renewable energy, green hydrogen and ammonia, is located outside of Morocco's international borders, in occupied Western Sahara.  

Published 03 November 2023

On 23 and 24 October, the EU Court of Justice will hear the parties to the cases on applying EU-Morocco agreements to occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 23 October 2023

A Norwegian-controlled ship is now offloading Chinese wind turbines in the Canary Islands. Grieg Maritime says that its routines did not detect that the mills were to be installed in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 13 October 2023

The controversial assessment that Global Diligence did on occupied Western Sahara for a project that will employ thousands of Moroccan settlers need to be released by French company Engie, WSRW demands in a letter.  

Published 13 October 2023

Throughout its impact studies, relations with the Moroccan government and partners, and a recent announcement of arrival of windmills to occupied Western Sahara, Engie has shown a total disregard for the UN's approach to the conflict.

Published 29 September 2023

This week, the first components that will be used for Engie' highly problematic windmill programme in Western Sahara have arrived to the occupied territory.

Published 27 September 2023

Images have appeared of highly controversial windmills on Canary Islands, in transit for Engie's project in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 15 September 2023

The German insurance company Allianz goes all in when it politically defends the brutal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.  

Published 13 September 2023

Western Sahara republic expresses wish to be included in UN-led climate governance. 

Published 05 September 2023

A private Chinese battery manufacturer denies rumours from the Moroccan government that it had planned gigantic and potentially highly controversial investments in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 31 August 2023

The Swedish truck company Scania, part of Volkswagen, offers services in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 21 August 2023

The controversial 300 MW Boujdour wind farm - owned by Enel and supplied by Siemens Gamesa - has been commissioned in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 18 August 2023

The Western Sahara republic yesterday announced the signing of a new onshore mineral exploration licence.

Published 10 August 2023

The UN recognised representation of the people of Western Sahara is today meeting with Canary fishermen to explore continued fishing opportunities as the EU-Moroccan fisheries are coming to an end.

Published 07 July 2023

Swedish fishing vessels are being exported to occupied Western Sahara.  

Published 29 June 2023

From early May, the Royal Air Maroc ran a propaganda campaign in Strasbourg selling trips to the occupied territory of Western Sahara. 

Published 15 June 2023

The French company Alcatel has been observed working on the telecom cables into the occupied territory.

Published 13 June 2023

French telecom company Orange is proud to finance business opportunities in the Moroccan kingdom's ”southern provinces", praying that “may God assist His Highness, the Moroccan king”.

Published 05 June 2023

NewMed's gas exploration licence offshore occupied Western Sahara is "illegal”, Polisario lashes out in a release.

Published 04 June 2023

Another controversial wind farm - Aftissat II - is about to be finalised in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 01 June 2023

The French insurance company has posted a video of its local leaders having a wonderful time in the occupied territory.  

Published 31 May 2023

Morocco's illegal exports of phosphate rock through a controversial conveyor belt has been targeted by what is claimed to be a bomb.

Published 26 May 2023

For the first time, the USA is the biggest exporter of gas into Western Sahara. 

Published 24 May 2023