So far, no oil and gas have been discovered in Western Sahara. Two exploration licences are today operated by foreign companies, both from Israel, both offshore.
The Irish organisation GLAN today filed a complaint against the Irish/UK oil company San Leon Energy for violating the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Irish/UK oil company San Leon Energy's work in occupied Western Sahara is delayed, and the company claims to the Moroccan government that it is due to "regional security situation".
Irish oil company San Leon confirms that an unknown Chinese investor is sniffing on a majority stake in the company. San Leon is looking for oil in occupied Western Sahara, in violation of international law.
The oil block named "Tarfaya Onshore", overlapping the border between Morocco and the occupied territory of Western Sahara, in still unresolved, a newly published oil map reveals.
San Leon Energy's controversial oil programme in occupied Western Sahara might continue with more drilling, according to company.
The San Leon Energy/PetroMaroc study at the Zag block in occupied Western Sahara is delayed and the partners are penalized by Moroccan authorities. PetroMaroc's future is hanging by a thread.
Kosmos and Cairn have renewed their licence - but did San Leon Energy abandon one of its licences? A new map from ONHYM suggests changes to the highly controversial oil exploration in the occupied territory.
Today, the Norwegian government pension fund excluded San Leon Energy Plc from its investment portfolios.
Massive numbers of Saharawi refugees gathered last weekend to send a clear message to Irish oil company San Leon Energy which is looking for oil in their occupied homeland: "San Leon: go home". Find high resolution footage of the protest, free of charge.
WSRW has received footage of the drilling operation to take place in the territory under Moroccan occupation.
Amid Saharawi protests, San Leon Energy has begun to drill an onshore well in occupied Western Sahara on 21 August.
Saharawis in the occupied parts of Western Sahara continue to speak out against Irish/UK company San Leon Energy's plans to drill for oil in their homeland. "Stop supporting brutal occupation of Western Sahara", they say.
Irish company is to drill for occupying power Morocco. Saharawi refugees who were forcibly displaced following the occupation, protest their plans.
The UK/Irish company San Leon is planning to drill in Western Sahara in a few weeks from now, even though UN says further exploration is illegal. WSRW condemns the plans.
Read also: Western Sahara is part of Morocco, San Leon states before drilling
San Leon in September purchased PetroMaroc's ownership in the so-called Tarfaya oil block, partially located in occupied Western Sahara.
The planned drilling of a well on the Zag block in - most probably - occupied Western Sahara has now been set to first half of 2014.
In protest of unemployment and the plunder of their natural resources, 7 Saharawi youth occupied the UN offices of Smara, Western Sahara, this week. The protest took place on the same place where Morocco is currently looking for gas.
The Irish company San Leon Energy has published a map on its webpages showing how they carried out oil search on occupied land.
British oil firm Longreach Oil & Gas yesterday announced that they are currently undertaking seismic studies in occupied Western Sahara. The studies are carried out in violation of international law.
"I have no problem in stating, in retrospect, that it might have been a bad idea to take this assignment”, CEO of seismic services firm Spectrum ASA told media today. Now, Irish oil minor San Leon has to find another subcontractor to process the geological data they collect from the occupied territory in violation of international law.
San Leon’s seismic surveys will be conducted in the northern parts of occupied Western Sahara from July 2011, in violation of international law. Placements from investor George Soros might have been crucial.
UK-Irish oil minors will start seismic surveys in occupied Western Sahara in June 2011.
This is how wide you smile when you contribute to the continued illegal occupation of a country.
The Irish oil company San Leon explores illegally for oil in occupied Western Sahara. On 19 December 2010, Western Sahara Action Ireland demonstrated against San Leon's work.
The Irish/British companies illegally exploring for oil in occupied Western Sahara had planned seismic studies for Fourth Quarter this year. They have still not started, but the plans to carry out the programme remains.
UN has said that looking for oil in Western Sahara is illegal. But the Irish firm San Leon Energy moves steadily forwards. Drilling underway next year.
The two Irish oil companies that are looking for oil in occupied Western Sahara are about to merge. The firms are undermining international law.
The Norwegian seismic services company PGS has entered in on the ownership side of the Irish oil company San Leon Energy. The funds placed by PGS will help enable increased oil exploration in occupied Western Sahara.
The news that Irish oil firms Island Oil & Gas, Longreach and San Leon have obtained a full exploration licence for an area near occupied Smara, has triggered a response from the native inhabitants of the territory. And it\'s not a welcoming one.
Both San Leon and Island Oil & Gas have announced that the Zag Reconnaissance Licence has been upgraded to a full Exploration Licence. The Zag basin is located near Smara, occupied Western Sahara.
While under peace talks, Morocco is speeding up its plans for illegal oil search in occupied Western Sahara. The provocation has led Polisario to protest Morocco's actions to the UN Security Council. Read letter dated 6 July 2009 here.
Irish oil firms will explore for oil in the Smara area in complete violation of international law.
The Irish oil company Island Oil and Gas - and their partners in San Leon - today announced their intention to upgrade their licence in occupied Western Sahara from a frontier licence to an exploration licence.