
Growing fruit and vegetables in the desert destroys the non-renewable water reservoirs and employ thousands of settlers from neighbouring Morocco. 

Published 14 April 2022

Accounts recently submitted to the Canadian government confirm that Metalex is on its way back to working in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 13 April 2022

Monitoring of transports of gas shipments into occupied Western Sahara, shows that the Netherlands was the most important supplier of gas for the year 2021. 

Published 08 April 2022

The Swedish company Bygging-Uddemann states that it didn't know that its equipment would end up in Western Sahara for the construction of a new port. 

Published 07 April 2022

We still have some of these reports in printed versions. Those can be ordered from Price: 15 Euros per report, plus postage.   

Published 06 April 2022

Our latest annual report on the phosphate trade from occupied Western Sahara shows that Mexico will soon take over India's role as the most important client of the territory's conflict mineral. 

Published 06 April 2022

With a large fertiliser factory and a brand new port, Morocco will open a new chapter in the controversial saga of its plunder of phosphate rock in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 05 April 2022

As EBRD is rolling out millions of new loans to Morocco's green energy transition, it remains unknown whether the international bank will also fund controversial businesses in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 31 March 2022

Parallel to the Moroccan government's participation in a summit in Israel, a first ever export of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara to Israel is about to be completed. 

Published 28 March 2022

Two Saharawis protested against Siemens Gamesa's lack of responses over its support to the occupation, during the company's Annual Meeting yesterday.  

Published 25 March 2022

“We planted 808 trees in Boujdour, Morocco”, Siemens Gamesa boasts, as it for the umpteenth time forgets which country its controversial project is actually located in.

Published 25 March 2022

The Spanish oil companies Cepsa and Repsol continue exporting petroleum products into occupied Western Sahara.

Published 23 March 2022

"A regrettable situation", says the director of the shipping company Belships, calling for a ban from the Norwegian authorities.

Published 11 March 2022

Saharawi human rights defender placed under house arrest since 16 months, calls on Siemens and Enel to assume their responsibility and leave occupied Western Sahara.

Published 11 March 2022

The WSRW report P for Plunder 2022 to be published in April 2022 will contain information on all vessels that departed occupied Western Sahara from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.

Published 27 February 2022

This week's annual meeting of Siemens Energy's shareholders marks ten years of silence from the German group regarding projects on occupied land.  

Published 25 February 2022

In a new report, the EU Commission elaborates on how Moroccan settlers in Western Sahara are benefiting from a trade agreement that the EU Court of Justice has found illegal. 

Published 10 January 2022

The international companies operating in occupied Western Sahara use a combination of arguments to support their presence. None of these are valid.

Published 10 January 2022

A gas pipeline is scheduled from Nigeria to Morocco - through Western Sahara. OPEC is footing the bill of the studies.

Published 27 December 2021

As expected, the Council of the EU has appealed the ruling of the EU General Court annulling the application of EU-Morocco deals in occupied Western Sahara. Surprisingly, the EU Commission lodged separate appeals.

Published 23 December 2021

Saharawis in Bilbao, Spain, demonstrated as a cargo vessel is arriving to pick up more controversial windmill components for occupied Western Sahara.  

Published 03 December 2021

In a move that surprised no one, the EU Council has appealed the recent EU Court of Justice stopping EU trade and fisheries in occupied Western Sahara. But Council was not unanimous. UPDATE 06.12.2021.

Published 29 November 2021

Here is the Saharawi people’s contribution to the global fight against climate change, presented at a side-event of COP26 today.

Published 08 November 2021

To be developed in partnership with the energy firm owned by Morocco’s new prime Minister, the project raises the occupied territory’s share in Morocco’s wind energy generation to 52.25% by 2030.

Published 03 November 2021

The Swiss-Russian company EuroChem was most likely behind a controversial imports of conflict minerals to Estonia in October. 

Published 02 November 2021

In a hearing in the European Parliament yesterday, parliamentarians expressed differing opinions as to whether the ruling of the EU Court should be respected or not. 

Published 29 October 2021

It's not easy keeping up with all the different legal proceedings relating to Western Sahara. For the sake of clarity, here's an overview of the different cases at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Published 28 October 2021

A hearing in the EU Parliament indicates that there are many questions, and still few answers, on the EU's response to the EU Court ruling annulling bilateral agreements with Morocco over the inclusion of occupied Western Sahara.

Published 26 October 2021

The Chinese company China Molybdenum - which imported phosphate rock to its subsidiary in Brazil - will no longer purchase phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 14 October 2021

The Spanish company today, yet again, refers to the territory as part of Morocco.

Published 07 October 2021

By 2030, half of Morocco's wind energy production could be generated illegally in occupied Western Sahara. Yet, Morocco presents itself as best-in-class on the energy transition. 

Published 06 October 2021

The Italian company Enel is one of the firms that have taken the exact same approach as the EU when carrying out ‘stakeholder consultations' in Western Sahara - a procedure now found invalid by the EU Court of Justice. 

Published 05 October 2021

A subsidiary of the US company has signed a contract with the Moroccan king's energy firm for a large wind farm in Western Sahara, consistently referring to the location as part of Morocco.

Published 05 October 2021

During a press conference last week, Polisario invited the Union to conversations on continuation of fisheries offshore Western Sahara. 

Published 04 October 2021

Yesterday, the EU Court of Justice annulled two EU-Moroccan bilateral agreements. WSRW has the following recommendations to the EU institutions.

Published 30 September 2021
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Today, the EU Court of Justice has struck a blow to the EU’s practice of applying trade and fisheries agreements with Morocco to occupied Western Sahara.

Published 29 September 2021

Saharawi refugees celebrate today's victory of their people over the EU in the EU Court of Justice. 

Published 29 September 2021

The EU Court of Justice will rule on the Union's trade and fisheries agreements with Morocco in occupied Western Sahara on 29 September. 

Published 07 September 2021

The Mexican imports of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara is picking up pace. New images from Mexico today show a second vessel offloading - while a third is on its way.

Published 05 September 2021

Here are all vessels that transported petroleum products from Spanish refineries into occupied Western Sahara last year.

Published 04 September 2021

The Moroccan government has called in Spanish urban consultants to turn the human rights blackspot of Dakhla into an alleged eco-city.

Published 20 August 2021

For the second time in two weeks, windmill products might be exported from Bilbao to occupied Western Sahara.

Published 08 August 2021

The bulk carrier Amis Ace went to Mexico, not the US as it had informed. See fresh images from Mexico.

Published 04 August 2021
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New report urges investors to engage vis-à-vis the unsustainable aquaculture industry.

Published 29 July 2021

WSRW has received images of equipment strapped into the hold of a ship that is en route from Bilbao to occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 23 July 2021
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For the first time in three years, a vessel loaded with blood phosphate is heading from Western Sahara to the USA. 
UPDATE, 04.08.2021: The ship went to Innophos in Mexico, not to the US.

Published 20 July 2021

A third of all fishmeal that Morocco exports is shipped from occupied Western Sahara to Turkey, new WSRW calculation reveals. 

Published 19 July 2021

Morocco is to dig 2,400 cubic meters of soil in occupied Western Sahara, as part of a mineral exploration.

Published 16 July 2021

After a 6-year hiatus in Metalex’ controversial mineral exploration in occupied Western Sahara, the Canadian company sends signals of entering into a new deal with the Moroccan government.

Published 15 July 2021
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While the EU Court of Justice's verdict on the legality of applying the EU-Morocco trade deal to occupied Western Sahara is only weeks away, the EU Commission plans to visit the territory to assess the deal's impact.

Published 15 July 2021

Yet another shipment of US gas is about to arrive to occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 14 July 2021

Polish companies intend to invest in the Moroccan military in the part of Western Sahara that is under Moroccan military occupation.  

Published 13 July 2021

WSRW has received access to the 2019 ‘Natural Resources Sovereignty Act’ of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic. 

Published 13 July 2021

For the third time in a week, Siemens Gamesa is now shipping windmill masts from Spain to occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 08 July 2021

In a press release of 6 July, Western Sahara's liberation movement “condemns in the strongest possible terms” Siemens Gamesa’s involvement and this week's exports into the occupied territory. 

Published 07 July 2021

Today, Siemens Gamesa is loading large masts onboard a vessel in Motril, Spain, to be exported to occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 06 July 2021

Blueberries “made in Morocco” will in the near future not only be made in Morocco, but also in occupied Western Sahara. WSRW calls on retailers to take measures already now.

Published 17 June 2021

A shipment of gas from the US is arriving tomorrow in occupied Western Sahara. This is the second time in just a month. 

Published 04 June 2021

The US company will address the issue of Western Sahara next time a shipper transports gas from their gas terminal in the UK. 

Published 03 June 2021

The United Kingdom was the prime exporter of gas into occupied Western Sahara in 2020.

Published 02 June 2021

40 protesters yesterday set up a road-block to the entry of Ballance Agri-Nutrients in New Zealand, leading importer of conflict minerals from Western Sahara. 

Published 30 May 2021

A subsidiary of French multinational VINCI SA will carry out a project that is essential to connecting the controversial energy projects of occupied Western Sahara to Morocco's national electricity grid.

Published 27 May 2021

A Moroccan vessel carrying out controversial marine research, paid for by the European Union, is again spotted in the waters of occupied Western Sahara.

Published 26 May 2021
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WSRW calls for the publication of confidential legal opinions and of the study of Global Diligence.

Published 17 May 2021

For a little while, ENGIE had published on its website hints about who it had actually "consulted" when doing business in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 12 May 2021

The German building materials giant sides with Morocco in the Western Sahara conflict, avoiding any questions on its own legal obligations in the occupied territory.

Published 11 May 2021

The French company Alcatel Submarine Networks SpA, partially owned by Nokia, has laid telecom cables in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 19 April 2021

India and New Zealand stand out as the main importers of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara, in WSRW’s newest annual report on the controversial trade. 

Published 13 April 2021
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At its Annual General Meeting, Siemens Gamesa was as evasive as ever with regard to core questions about the company's involvement in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 01 April 2021

The WSRW report P for Plunder 2021 contains information on all 22 vessels that departed occupied Western Sahara from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020.

Published 22 March 2021

The German industrial engineering giant is unclear whether it will steer away from future projects in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 17 March 2021

The High Court in New Zealand has dismissed carrying out a judicial review on controversial investments in relation to the Western Sahara phosphate trade, but underlines the reputational risk for the Pacific nation.

Published 16 March 2021

The French company ENGIE will build infrastructure in Western Sahara, and engaged consultancy firm Global Diligence to whitewash its operations with the occupying power. 

Published 16 March 2021

The EU Commission and Council are 2 and 3 March being questioned by the Court of Justice regarding the EU's trade and fisheries agreements in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 02 March 2021

Most of the EU's financial support to Morocco under the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement has been spent on occupied land, new government report reveals. 

Published 25 February 2021

Siemens Energy will only talk with the government of Morocco with regard to Western Sahara, according to recent company statement.

Published 18 February 2021

The German company Continental has not renewed its supply contract with the Moroccan national phosphate company that exploits the controversial Western Sahara phosphate mine.

Published 11 February 2021

WSRW has tracked shipments of phosphate rock from occupied Western Sahara all the way to an industrial compound in Cubatão, Brazil.

Published 09 February 2021

The EU Council will tomorrow discuss a proposal to allow Morocco to join the Interbus Agreement – but is clear that the deal will not be extended into Western Sahara.

Published 26 January 2021

Siemens Gamesa, Siemens Energy and Enel Spa have been excluded by Norway's largest private asset manager for contributing to violations of international law in occupied Western Sahara. 

Published 14 January 2021

WSRW is pleased to announce that we finally have a new website! Please be patient with us in the transition. Full functionality will be expected from end of January 2021. Errors can be reported to 

Published 16 December 2020

To convince Morocco to recognise Israel, Trump not only recognised Morocco's claim to Western Sahara, but allegedly also promised investments in the Moroccan king's personal energy firm which operates in the occupied land with Siemens.

Published 11 December 2020

US president Donald Trump issued a statement today in which he backs Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara and the opening of a consulate in Dakhla, "to promote economic and business opportunities".

Published 10 December 2020

Through the deal, Russian trawlers will fish exclusively in the waters off occupied Western Sahara.

Published 07 December 2020
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Four years have passed since the EU Court of Justice ruled that products from occupied Western Sahara cannot be part of EU’s trade agreements with Morocco. Today, WSRW presents an extensive report showing the efforts that the EU is taking to politically undercut the ruling.

Published 03 December 2020

The Moroccan Court of Cassation yesterday confirmed the harsh sentences rendered against the so-called Gdeim Izik prisoners. The group took part in the mass protest on socio-economic marginalisation in Western Sahara in 2010.

Published 26 November 2020

The Saharawi government has declared that it now considers "the entire territory of the Sahrawi Republic, including its terrestrial, maritime and air spaces, a war zone", advising all countries and economic operators to steer away from the territory.

Published 19 November 2020

WSRW submits that Morocco's violation of the ceasefire in occupied Western Sahara, plunging the territory into war and putting lives of Saharawi civilians at risk, is a violation of the EU-Morocco fish deal's human rights clause.

Published 18 November 2020

The EU Commission has clarified that Western Sahara is not covered by any EU aviation agreement, and that it does not seek to include it in the EU-Morocco aviation deal. Yet some EU airlines are still offering flights into the territory - now effectively a war zone.

Published 17 November 2020

The entry gates to factories of Ravensdown and Ballance Agri-Nutrients around New Zealand were today blocked by pro-Saharawi actitivists denouncing the imports of conflict minerals from occupied Western Sahara.

Published 16 November 2020

Tension in Western Sahara has not been this high for years.

Published 13 November 2020

19 Members of the EU Parliament today urged the EU to warn the two companies Enel and Siemens about the legal and ethical risk that they run in partnering with Morocco for operations on occupied land.

Published 13 November 2020

Swedish company Azelio will not clarify whether its deal with the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy also covers renewable projects in occupied Western Sahara. The details appear in a WSRW report published today.

Published 06 November 2020

The Norwegian certification company DNV GL today stated that it is will phase out its participation in Soluna's controversial bitcoin project in occupied Western Sahara

Published 05 November 2020

"We condemn Siemens Gamesa for its lack of respect for basic human rights", stated Western Sahara Resource Watch, calling on investors to terminate ongoing engagement processes and exclude the company from their portfolios. The company has yet again signed a large contract for what it refers to as "Southern Morocco".

Published 02 November 2020

The large Russian trawl fleet that normally zig-zags the waters off occupied Western Sahara at this time of year is nowhere to be found.

Published 12 October 2020

The Swedish mining equipment company Epiroc has announced that it will no longer supply the controversial Bou Craa phosphate mine in occupied Western Sahara. German company Continental should follow the example, WSRW comments.  

Published 05 October 2020

Western Sahara Resource Watch calls for immediate and unconditional release of the group of leading Saharawi activists who were arrested in 2010 for advocating for socio-economic rights of the Saharawi people.

Published 08 September 2020

The Board of Deutsche Post AG completely missed the opportunity to explain its controversial activities in occupied Western Sahara.

Published 08 September 2020

Information has surfaced on Morocco's plans for a third solar plant in occupied Western Sahara, to be constructed in close proximity to the agri-business in Dakhla.

Published 24 August 2020